
The Low Code Kit repository

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LocoKit - the Low-Code Kit Platform

LocoKit logo

Welcome on the monorepo of LocoKit, aka Low-Code Kit platform.

LocoKit is an AirTable alternative, providing database management as a spreadsheet and an app builder.

There is the backend part (api directory), the frontend (front directory), the documentation (docs) and several packages. (only glossary actually).

Getting started

Before all, you need to use the version of node indicates in .nvmrc:

npm use

Initialize node modules:

For each directory (api, front, docs, packages/glossary), you need to:

npm ci # install deps

From here you need docker and docker-compose in recent version.

In the front directory, you need to create a .env file from the .env.dist. Then in public, you also need to create a config.js file from the config.js.dist. View the full config reference.

cp .env.dist .env
cp public/config.js.dist public/config.js

In the api directory, same thing, but with the .env.example file.

cp .env.example .env
docker-compose up # you can add -d to use the daemon option of docker-compose

# in another terminal
npm ci
npm run migrate:latest
npm run seed:run
npm run start

The default user created is superadmin@locokit.io with password locokit.



A swagger is available on http://localhost:3030/swagger/ once the project has started.

This is made with RapiDoc.

Restore a dump

You can restore any staging / production dump you have access to by putting them in the dumps directory.

This directory is shared with the postgres dockers. (lck-db and lck-db-test)

For restoring a dump :

docker exec -it lck-db bash
pg_restore --no-owner --clean --create -d public -U postgres -W /dumps/your_dump # you'll have to enter the password yourPostgresPassword


Feathers has a powerful command line interface. Here are a few things it can do:

$ npm install -g @feathersjs/cli          # Install Feathers CLI

$ feathers generate service               # Generate a new Service
$ feathers generate hook                  # Generate a new Hook
$ feathers help                           # Show all commands

Front end



This file contains a LCK_SETTINGS variable allowing the app to know some settings like the API URL, the localStorage key, ...

const LCK_SETTINGS = {
  API_URL: 'http://localhost:3030',
  LOCALSTORAGE_KEY: 'lck-auth',
  SENTRY_DSN: '', // here you can set your SENTRY_DSN, please check sentry documentation
  SENTRY_ENV: 'local',
  STORAGE_PATH: 'http://localhost:8000/storage'

This file is used at runtime, so you could customise it when you deploy the app.

You have an example in the public/config.js.dist ready to be used with the lck-api project. Copy paste this file in a new public/config.js and it should do the trick.


Same for this file, you'll find an example at the root in .env.dist file.

This file contains more global variables used at compilation time.

As you can't change these vars after compilation time, we have made a special index.html file to be a template when the build is done. You'll find after build in the dist/index-template.html file. This file contains the .env variables in an template-handlebar syntax.

This allows you to compile only the html file if you need to customize these vars before deploy. We've made a node script for that, in scripts/compileTemplate.js that you can trigger with npm run build:html. If you use it in a CI environment, you could give to your CI some env vars that will be injected in your html file.

Compiles and hot-reloads for development

npm run serve

Compiles and minifies for production

npm run build

You'll get an index-template.html file in the dist directory. You can use the npm run build:html if you want to customize the title or other vars.

Run your unit tests

  • only stories of the storybook
npm run test:unit-stories
  • run stories and update imageshots
npm run test:update-imageshot
  • except stories
npm run test:unit-src
  • all unit tests
npm run test:unit

Lints and fixes files

npm run lint


npm run storybook:serve

Every story in the project is snapshoted + imageshoted.

We use the addon storyshot of storybook, for both snap and images.

Sometimes, an imageshot need to wait for an element, wait for its DOM injection.

Sometimes too, there are animations that slow the process of taking the screenshot.

For every story you write, you can add an arg waitForSelector that would be a CSS selector, and we use it to tell puppeteer (used under the hood by storyshot for imageshot) to wait the DOM element with the CSS selector you define is really in the DOM.

We encounter lots of issues on Mac OS, so if you use this OS, don't worry if your CI is broken. Ask a developer with a Linux OS to update your shots.

The storybook of the master branch is available on http://lck-storybook.surge.sh/.

You can write your own configuration settings here, when you deploy this front, you will have to override these settings to match your environement configuration.

Git Commit Messages

Inspired and copied from https://github.com/Schneegans/dynamic-badges-action#git-commit-messages

Commits should start with a Capital letter and should be written in present tense (e.g. 🎉 Add cool new feature instead of 🎉 Added cool new feature). You should also start your commit message with one applicable emoji. This does not only look great but also makes you rethink what to add to a commit. Make many but small commits!

Emoji Description
🎉 :tada: When you added a cool new feature.
:sparkles: When you added a little but necessary feature.
🔧 :wrench: When you refactored / improved a small piece of code.
🔨 :hammer: When you refactored / improved large parts of the code.
🎨 :art: When you improved / added assets like themes.
🚀 :rocket: When you improved performance.
📝 :memo: When you wrote documentation.
🪲 :beetle: When you fixed a bug.
🔥 :fire: When you removed something.
🚚 :truck: When you moved / renamed something.


If you encounter a bug, please submit an issue.

If you want to contribute to the code, first ask to the team where to begin (with an issue).

  1. create an issue, or be assigned on an issue
  2. put the issue in the "Doing" column of the board
  3. create a local branch prefixed by the issue's id (23-add-of-a-new-feature or 23-fix-this-horrible-bug)
  4. add some tests / stories for the code you're writing
  5. when your work is ok for you, push it to the repo
  6. create a MR
  7. check the CI is ok. CD is configured too, you could check your storybook & on surge.sh to see if it's working (this will help us for the review process)
  8. if all is green, put your issue in "To be reviewed" column of the board
  9. affect your MR to someone in the team to be reviewed
  10. maybe you'll have to take in consideration some aspects of your code, so discuss and take in consideration the remarks (restart to 4.)
  11. if review is ok, the reviewer will approve it
  12. now, you can merge it !!!... Congratulations !