Adding the 'background_clear' option for bufferline results in errors.
Opened this issue · 5 comments
I copied the example configurations to my .lua file it it worked fine.
-- ...
transparent_background = true, -- I want transparent background
background_clear = {
-- "float_win",
-- "which-key",
-- "nvim-tree",
-- "neo-tree",
-- "bufferline", -- better used if background of `neo-tree` or `nvim-tree` is cleared
-- ...
Then I uncommented nvim-tree
and neo-tree
, and it worked. My nvim tree is now transparent.
-- ...
transparent_background = true, -- I want transparent background
background_clear = {
-- "float_win",
-- "which-key",
-- "bufferline", -- better used if background of `neo-tree` or `nvim-tree` is cleared
-- ...
I tried the same with bufferline, but it resulted in errors.
-- ...
transparent_background = true, -- I want transparent background
background_clear = {
-- "float_win",
-- "which-key",
"bufferline", -- errors on nvim open
-- ...
I'm new to Vim and trying to get a monokai-pro-themed neovim with transparent backgrounds.
Also, when I configure the bufferline tab style to slope, the tab indicator has a weird white color, which doesn't happen with the buffers (on the left). This only happen when I enable the transparent option. I'm not sure if these are bugs or I am doing something wrong. If anyone know please light me.
Can I have an overview of your neovim configuration? May be it's easier for me to debug from yours. @0xF5T9
Can I have an overview of your neovim configuration? May be it's easier for me to debug from yours. @0xF5T9
I'm using LazyVim. I'm sure I've installed LazyVim successfully without any errors.
Then I created ui.lua file in nvim\lua\plugins
, which will be automatically loaded by LazyVim.
Here is my current ui.lua. It has already omitted the background_clear option, otherwise it will throw the above errors.
local configs = {}
-- Specifies whether to install monokai-pro
local install_monokai_pro = true -- *
if install_monokai_pro then
local monokai_pro_config = {
-- Install monokai-pro colorscheme
opts = {
transparent_background = true,
terminal_colors = true,
devicons = true, -- highlight the icons of `nvim-web-devicons`
styles = {
comment = { italic = true },
keyword = { italic = true }, -- any other keyword
type = { italic = true }, -- (preferred) int, long, char, etc
storageclass = { italic = true }, -- static, register, volatile, etc
structure = { italic = true }, -- struct, union, enum, etc
parameter = { italic = true }, -- parameter pass in function
annotation = { italic = true },
tag_attribute = { italic = true }, -- attribute of tag in reactjs
filter = "pro", -- classic | octagon | pro | machine | ristretto | spectrum
-- Enable this will disable filter option
day_night = {
enable = false, -- turn off by default
day_filter = "pro", -- classic | octagon | pro | machine | ristretto | spectrum
night_filter = "spectrum", -- classic | octagon | pro | machine | ristretto | spectrum
inc_search = "background", -- underline | background
plugins = {
bufferline = {
underline_selected = false,
underline_visible = false,
indent_blankline = {
context_highlight = "default", -- default | pro
context_start_underline = false,
table.insert(configs, monokai_pro_config)
-- Bufferline configurations
local bufferline_module = require("bufferline")
if bufferline_module then
vim.opt.termguicolors = true
local bufferline_config = {
opts = {
options = {
separator_style = "slope", -- Change tab style
-- Hide powershell terminal buffer by default
custom_filter = function(buf_number, buf_numbers)
if string.find(vim.fn.bufname(buf_number), "powershell.exe") then
return false
return true
table.insert(configs, bufferline_config)
return configs
My init.lua
require("config.lazy") -- bootstrap lazy.nvim, LazyVim and your plugins
-- Set monokai-pro colorscheme
if require("monokai-pro") then
vim.cmd([[colorscheme monokai-pro]])
-- Configure terminal shell to PowerShell = "powershell.exe"
vim.o.shellxquote = ""
vim.o.shellcmdflag = "-NoLogo -NoProfile -ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned -Command "
vim.o.shellquote = ""
vim.o.shellpipe = "| Out-File -Encoding UTF8 %s"
vim.o.shellredir = "| Out-File -Encoding UTF8 %s"
vim.o.guifont = "JetBrainsMono Nerd Font Mono:h12"
vim.cmd("set nornu") -- Disable relative line number
vim.cmd("set tabstop=4") -- Set tabstop
vim.cmd("set shiftwidth=4") -- Set shiftwidth
vim.cmd("set expandtab") -- Use space instead of tab characters
I have just fixed this problem and added new highlight groups for the tabs. Please update the latest release and give me a feedback. I really recommend not using transparent_background
I have just fixed this problem and added new highlight groups for the tabs. Please update the latest release and give me a feedback. I really recommend not using
Hi, thanks for the update. adding 'background_clear' for bufferline no longer crash nvim but it looks like this:
I've decided to give up on transparent backgrounds, but then I found this plugin. To my surprise, it worked nicely with the theme. It looks exactly how I wanted:
There's only 1 minor artifact though, I don't know what this part is called, but it does not fit well with bufferline slope style.
Anyway, it looks almost perfect now, and I am satisfied.
Here is my current lua file, if it helps.
local configs = {}
-- Specifies whether to install monokai-pro
local install_monokai_pro = true -- *
if install_monokai_pro then
local monokai_pro_config = {
-- Transparent
opts = {
groups = { -- table: default groups
extra_groups = {}, -- table: additional groups that should be cleared
exclude_groups = {}, -- table: groups you don't want to clear
-- Install monokai-pro colorscheme
opts = {
transparent_background = false,
terminal_colors = true,
devicons = true, -- highlight the icons of `nvim-web-devicons`
styles = {
comment = { italic = true },
keyword = { italic = true }, -- any other keyword
type = { italic = true }, -- (preferred) int, long, char, etc
storageclass = { italic = true }, -- static, register, volatile, etc
structure = { italic = true }, -- struct, union, enum, etc
parameter = { italic = true }, -- parameter pass in function
annotation = { italic = true },
tag_attribute = { italic = true }, -- attribute of tag in reactjs
filter = "pro", -- classic | octagon | pro | machine | ristretto | spectrum
-- Enable this will disable filter option
day_night = {
enable = false, -- turn off by default
day_filter = "pro", -- classic | octagon | pro | machine | ristretto | spectrum
night_filter = "spectrum", -- classic | octagon | pro | machine | ristretto | spectrum
inc_search = "background", -- underline | background
plugins = {
bufferline = {
underline_selected = false,
underline_visible = false,
indent_blankline = {
context_highlight = "default", -- default | pro
context_start_underline = false,
table.insert(configs, monokai_pro_config)
-- Bufferline configurations
local bufferline_module = require("bufferline")
if bufferline_module then
vim.opt.termguicolors = true
local bufferline_config = {
opts = {
options = {
separator_style = "slope", -- Change tab style
-- Hide powershell terminal buffer by default
custom_filter = function(buf_number, buf_numbers)
if string.find(vim.fn.bufname(buf_number), "powershell.exe") then
return false
return true
table.insert(configs, bufferline_config)
return configs