Monokai Pro theme for Neovim written in Lua, with multiple filters: Pro, Classic, Machine, Octagon, Ristretto, Spectrum
- 7
[Feat / Question] Do you have plans to bring the light theme versions to this as well?
#131 opened by Velrok - 5
Missing color in yaml files
#15 opened by marnas - 1
STL classes Color are white
#129 opened by narutozxp - 0
bug: monokai-pro breaks when previewed in `require("telescope.builtin").colorscheme`
#128 opened by Zeioth - 8
🐛 Invalid filter, expected "classic", "machine", "octagon", "pro", "ristretto" or "spectrum"
#116 opened by gorillamoe - 0
[Feature Request] Borders of split windows are not noticeable, can we change the style of them?
#124 opened by CrackedPoly - 0
More styles than just italics?
#123 opened by cosmigonon - 5
Differences between monokai pro on vscode
#91 opened by kaykhan - 0
Option to remove undercurls
#122 opened by kaykhan - 1
How to change the color of the cursor itself
#121 opened by aultac - 5
- 5
- 3
Colors conflict with indentline.nvim
#89 opened by diwasrimal - 1
- 1
Allow colorscheme override
#106 opened by Red-M - 1
Override colorscheme for plugin nvim-treesitter
#113 opened by lcheylus - 4
Annoying log about nvim-web-devicons
#99 opened by Kerry-G - 3
Markdown highlighting bug
#104 opened by SimonTheoret - 3
Differ the color of Local variables, variable types, formal parameters and actual parameters
#92 opened by narutozxp - 2
How to change color of Diagnostic messages
#90 opened by kaykhan - 0
- 3
Support for indent-blankline v3
#85 opened by UtkarshVerma - 2
Dart highlight
#79 opened by gruvw - 4
inlay hints barely visible
#81 opened by fegyi001 - 0
Bring support for rainbow-delimiters.nvim
#75 opened by gruvw - 2
- 3
Colors change with LSP
#80 opened by jsongerber - 1
background_clear for bufferline issue
#70 opened by skmtkytr - 8
- 5
Better support treesitter
#68 opened by huyhoang8398 - 3
Request: Lualine Monokai Classic theme
#67 opened by huyhoang8398 - 1
- 2
Support with treesitter.
#65 opened by AbdullahZubair-UW - 2
- 1
Checkout failed
#22 opened by 1ngki - 6
Is there a way to make nvim-tree transparent?
#55 opened by solidiquis - 3
- 2
- 3
Add more color differentiation
#36 opened by chrisgrieser - 4
Is there any way to disable plugins ?
#30 opened by dtk9289 - 1
Neo tree offset
#17 opened by marnas - 2
a option of turn off all itatic?
#18 opened by Lengdrich - 2
Vertical column hidden
#16 opened by marnas - 2
colorcolumn isn't visible
#14 opened by PlaiyTiziano - 2
Custom Fonts
#10 opened by guydelarea - 3
- 1
Add support of neo-tree plugin
#9 opened by AlexLov - 2
- 2
Can't set octagon theme
#3 opened by CharlieCheckpt