
Differ the color of Local variables, variable types, formal parameters and actual parameters

Closed this issue · 3 comments

my nevim theme is as follows. I wish all variable types have the same color(such as int and vector<t_segment_inf>), besides, the color of Local variables should be different from formal parameters and actual parameters.

Just like the following pic came from vscode monokai pro.
Do you have any tips to do that?

I agree with you that my colorscheme is kinda "white". Just did some tweaks on the highlights. Give the newest version a spin and drop a comment. Don't forget to enable semantic token and treesitter

It seems still a bug.
Just look at the pic above, the var num_sets is still white which is inconsistent with the color of the actual parameters.
In my opinion, if all actual parameters have the same color which is different from the local var's, I could distinguish whether a var is an actual parameter or not quickly. I think it's helpful when my function body is too long.

It's not a bug, neovim is not vscode. num_sets in this case is validated as a parameter variable in vscode while in neovim it's just like any other normal variables.