Differences between monokai pro on vscode
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Hi, i just wanted to point out some differences i noticed between the monokai pro theme on vscode and this neovim theme.
My goal is to be able to modify/ovveride this theme to match it a little better.
- Unused variables/imports: Is there a way to gray out the unused variables and imports like in vscode, rather than adding a blue squigly line like in this theme?
- Color of export/async/await: In vscode monokai pro these key words are in red, where as in this theme they are blue, is there some way i can change that?
screenshot (left: neovim, right: vscode)
my current ovverides
override = function()
return {
Normal = { bg = "#121212" },
DiagnosticVirtualTextError = { bg = "none" },
DiagnosticVirtualTextInformation = { bg = "none" },
DiagnosticVirtualTextWarning = { bg = "none" },
DiagnosticVirtualTextHint = { fg = "Gray", bg = "none" },
DiagnosticSignHint = { fg = "Gray" },
Unused variables/imports: Is there a way to gray out the unused variables and imports like in vscode, rather than adding a blue squigly line like in this theme?
If you want to blur unused variable, you can try to install some plugin to do that. Because I can't detect the current color of unused variable, I just want to blur according to the current color of the variable (like the way vscode is doing), not just blur to gray.
Color of export/async/await: In vscode monokai pro these key words are in red, where as in this theme they are blue, is there some way i can change that?
There maybe some differences between vscode and neovim because some highlight groups neovim has while vscode doesn't and vice versa. Trust me, I tried a lot, don't waste your time to figure this out.
Unused variables/imports: Is there a way to gray out the unused variables and imports like in vscode, rather than adding a blue squigly line like in this theme?
If you want to blur unused variable, you can try to install some plugin to do that. Because I can't detect the current color of unused variable, I just want to blur according to the current color of the variable (like the way vscode is doing), not just blur to gray.
Color of export/async/await: In vscode monokai pro these key words are in red, where as in this theme they are blue, is there some way i can change that?
There maybe some differences between vscode and neovim because some highlight groups neovim has while vscode doesn't and vice versa. Trust me, I tried a lot, don't waste your time to figure this out.
Hi thanks for your response.
- Do you know waht i need to override to get it to go gray+italic for unused variables. I'd be happy with that.
- with regards to await/async, i may try to find a way to just target the specific word "async" and "await" and make them red.
@octvl842 Any ideas?
- Do you know waht i need to override to get it to go gray+italic for unused variables. I'd be happy with that.
You can change highlight of DiagnosticUnecessary
- with regards to await/async, i may try to find a way to just target the specific word "async" and "await" and make them red.
You can change highlight of @keyword.coroutine.javascript
adding my own config overrides here, in case it can help other neovim noobs (like myself), make the transition:
note: primarily made for jsx/tsx
usage, so ymmv
return {
opts = {
override = function(c)
return {
Structure = { italic = false }, -- interface identifiers
["@keyword.function"] = { bold = false }, -- "function"
["@keyword.overrides"] = { fg = c.base.cyan, italic = true }, -- custom capture group for "const", "let", "type"
["@keyword.type"] = { fg = c.base.cyan, italic = true }, -- "interface"
["@keyword"] = { fg = c.base.red, italic = false }, -- "if", "else", "for", "while"
["@lsp.type.enumMember"] = { fg = c.base.white }, -- enums
["@lsp.typemod.function.defaultLibrary"] = { fg = c.base.green }, -- global functions
["@lsp.typemod.variable.defaultLibrary"] = { fg = c.base.white }, -- global objects
["@lsp.typemod.variable.readonly"] = { fg = c.base.white }, -- constant identifiers
["@punctuation.bracket"] = { fg = c.base.dimmed2 }, -- brackets
["@tag.builtin"] = { fg = c.base.red }, -- HTML tags
["@type"] = { fg = c.base.white }, -- imported objects
["@variable.member"] = { fg = c.base.white }, -- object properties
] @keyword.overrides
["?"] @operator.overrides
return {
opts = {
highlight = {
set_custom_captures = {
["@keyword.overrides"] = "@keyword.function",
["@operator.overrides"] = "@keyword.conditional",