
who said backend was easy..

Primary LanguageEJS


Using Netninja playlist : Node.js Crash Course Tutorial

Install nodeJS on windows:

  • nodejs.org/en
  • download
  • click install

easy huh ?

node -v

to get the node version. So, i did it and got the 14.3.0 version yay !

Send request

backend is not only about nodeJS, we actually need a server.js so.. run it run it run it run it ... infinitely ? nop.

Receive response

We've only made a request "localhost:3k" without receiving a response. Check the server.js

Basic routing

it's aint fun if we always get the same page whatever the url is right ? ===> server.js again..

Status Code

Status code Definition
200 OK
301 Resource moved
404 Not found
500 Internal server error
Status range Definition
100 Range informational responses
200 Range success codes
300 Range codes for redirects
400 Range user or client error
500 Range server error

Installing packages

Here we can search for whatever package we need I installed nodemon because it helps us reload the server without Ctrl-C it each time we change our file and run it again

A package.json file is needed if we're using 3rd party packages which we definitely going to use, soo.. let's run this command :

npm init

So yea, i installed a gitignore extension on Vscode (id : codezombiech.gitignore) so that it helps me ignore some people euh.. directories and/or files since i'm new to nodejs and i don't really know what should i keep and not..

Impressive, i've just knew that i don't have to push a node_modules folder, but the server wouldn't load without it. To do so, we need to run :

npm install


npm install express --save

Wait, wym by I don't need to do all what I've done since VID00 ... ?

View Engines

To inject dynamic data to our html, we use View/Template Engines




ejs The chosen one npm install ejs

<% This syntax is so weird %>


It means anything (any code obviously) that happens between the Request and Response in the server.


  • Logger middleware to log details of every request. morgan
  • Authentication check middleware for protected routes.
  • Middleware to parse JSON data from requests.
  • Return 404 pages.
  • ...


MongoDB Atlas

The most innovative cloud database service on the market, ...


To connect to the db, we'll use Mongoose (= an ODM library) npm install mongoose

Mongoose Schema Mongoose Model
Define the structure of the document provides an interface which communicate with a db collection

Requests types

Type Usage
Get requests to get a resource
Post requests to create a new data
Delete requests to delete data
Put requests to update data

We can have the same route with different request type

Route parameters

= Variables that can change in a route/:param

Express Router

To split our routes into different files and manage them in small group of routes


Model, View, Controller, it's a way of structuring our code & files and it keeps the code more modular, reusable and easier to read

VID10 & VID11 tutorials are applied in VID09