- 8
Requests per Second not counted but
#3010 opened by vkuehn - 4
FastHttpUser does not pass headers correctly during a retry after a "failure exception" such as timeout
#2894 opened by soitinj - 0
- 7
ipv6 issues with ECS Service Connect
#2979 opened by brncsk - 4
Discarded report from unrecognized worker
#3003 opened by michie1 - 1
how to statistics the qps?
#3006 opened by ctxqlxs - 7
--html with --process 4 then get ValueError: StatsEntry.use_response_times_cache must be set to True
#2908 opened by kavlevru - 5
Number of requests lower than expected in web UI
#3000 opened by michie1 - 1
Reports download links do not contain web-base-path
#2998 opened by sergii-volokh - 3
No log output if logfile setting is invalid (was: No host resolved when loglevel is set in headless mode)
#2996 opened by vkuehn - 0
Setuptools CVE-2024-6345
#2995 opened by khharper - 7
Dispatcher not killed on runner.stop()
#2938 opened by PatrikMosko - 2
When using exclude-tags to exclude more than two tags, this setting will not take effect
#2994 opened by zhuwenxing - 4
No Tasks executed when mirgrating to config
#2987 opened by vkuehn - 8
- 2
Setuptools CVE-2022-40897
#2986 opened by matthawley - 8
Error Logging in FastHttpUser
#2937 opened by cyberw - 3
Want iteration control and worker shutdown
#2883 opened by aazammazaa - 9
Possible memory leak ?
#2933 opened by NicoAdrian - 1
master crash with different version worker
#2975 opened by uniform641 - 1
Download speed throttling for HttpClient/FastHttpClient?
#2973 opened by flbraun - 4
The locust chart shows that data is still being recorded after the timed run time expires
#2910 opened by zhenhuaplan - 5
Requests not ramping up after switching to using pydantic in django project
#2960 opened by davidu1975 - 3
Hard coded path make it impossible to host the UI on a path (instead of the domain root)
#2909 opened by gratus-acuitymd - 0
FastHttpUser - Workers failed to send heartbeat, setting state to missing on the same machine. Working perfecly with HttpUser
#2968 opened by andreabisello - 2
Does Locust support test first packet?
#2958 opened by wohui - 7
Downloading report should provide a meaningful human name
#2931 opened by obriat - 6
- 2
What should be done to support the MTProto2 protocol?
#2964 opened by neo532 - 3
Cloudscraper implementation
#2868 opened by instc - 8
tag doesn't work fine
#2849 opened by evanchaoli - 1
Allow to exclude some statistics from aggregation
#2955 opened by tyge68 - 2
- 1
- 1
Istallation help request: ImportError: cannot import name 'grep' from 'plumbum.cmd'
#2896 opened by Metalhero - 2
Add Korean Translation of Documentation
#2827 opened by Law-Kim - 1
Form field for users, spawn rate, and run time still visible in UI although CustomShape defined without use_common_options.
#2924 opened by fikrapdso - 2
- 2
RPS vs Total Running Users
#2895 opened by antikilahdjs - 4
Overwriting weight by config-users may lead to crash
#2852 opened by evanchaoli - 0
http client/ json serializable
#2888 opened by zzzxb - 0
FastHttpSession requests typing for the json argument should support lists
#2842 opened by MarcSalvat - 1
Simplify GitHub Actions using install-poetry
#2822 opened by cyberw - 8
Cleaning up the build process
#2857 opened by mquinnfd - 1
- 3
- 2
- 2
response avg time is NaN
#2829 opened by Ox0400 - 9
Brew installed locust missing UI assets
#2831 opened by rokkuci - 4
Locust / pypy fails with "AttributeError: module 'gc' has no attribute 'freeze'" error.
#2818 opened by jimoleary