
multiplayer sudoku game

Primary LanguageCoffeeScript

#SUDOKU Demo [unstable]

SUDOKU is a multiplayer sudoku game, open source under GPL Lisence.

This game is currently in development. rule and interface is uncertain, fork me and pull request for your good idea.

System is desgined for only one gamespace, to deploy by yourself is strongly recommended.

Deploy step:

  1. curl install.meteor.com | sh (install Meteor, your need install MongoDB and Node.js first)
  2. git clone this repo to somewhere
  3. cd somewhere && meteor add insecure
  4. cd somewhere && meteor (run at your local)
  5. cd somewhere && meteor deploy subdomain.meteor.com (deploy your game online)

Powerd and hosted by Meteor. see more

Todo list

  1. Use Games model for puzzle storage[Doing]
  2. Use coffeescript[Done]
  3. Use Less[Done]
  4. Design Rule (Bouns and Penalty)
  5. Use Cookie to remember player status[Done]
  6. Save Best record[Done]
  7. Timer system[Done]
  8. Finish notice[Done]

[update] meteor add new authentication APIs after 0.5.0, if you can't access and update database ,try this command:

> meteor add insecure