
Frontend for a spaced-repetition system aimed at fostering contemplation of topics (rather than improving retrieval strength.)

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Mokko -- Frontend

What is this?

I took the initial idea from this post: I found the possibility of "gently, recurringly directing myself to ruminate on certain concepts" compelling.

Here's my original spec:

- spaced interaction: follows simplified leitner-box sequencing
	- notes aren't flashcards, however: doesn't ask you to answer a question
	- each note is not a fact, but an e.g. claim, or observation, or mental model
	- rather than increasing retrieval strength of note's content, aims to exercise contemplation/investigation of note's content
- in addition to note's content, each interaction provides user with a single question
	- only presents you with one prompt per interaction, but lets you swipe to choose a different prompt if desired
	- user fills out one prompt (via a textbox) to 'complete' the interaction
- next time the note comes up
	- it's got the initial text, but also 
	- the commentar(y/ies) you've added prior (hidden accordion-style?)

While working toward an MVP, I replaced:

  • the Leitner-box system sequencing with a simple <select> that included a ~Fibonacci sequence of days, for greater flexibility; and
  • the "each interaction provides user with a single question" model with a randomly-selected "prompt-note" to pair with, complement, qualify, contradict, or otherwise Hegel-dialecticify the note-under-contemplation's content.

After working through such options as (in decreasing order of repugnance) "ZettelCast", "Reflectric", "Myslennya", and "Forster-Wallace Collider", I settled on the provisional name of "Mokko", a nice two-syllable Japanese abstract noun to pair with my personal usage of Anki.

And this repo is the frontend for that app!

How's it work?

Let me begin not with an excuse, or apology, but defiant explanation: I had a vision of a tool, and I. Wanted. It. Now. The two frameworks I've worked with the most are React and Rails, and so that's what I decided to use for getting a working prototype out the door.

(That said, I'd never worked with Hooks before, and so I probably went a little crazy on e.g. using different paradigms for form-handling across pages, keeping global state in a single, top-level useReducer Hook, etc.)

Because the authz/authn goal of this app is "keep any randos that stumble across it from arbitrarily messing with the database, or at least make it difficult enough that they don't bother," it uses a JWT kept in sessionStorage for validating the user.

Once logged in, there's:

  • a listview page for Decks (of Notes).. with CRUDability and access to each Note's details page;
  • a listview page for Notes, with access to each Note's details page and, uh... pagination?;
  • a "review" page, in which new interactions with a given Note's content are sequenced, created, and saved (as a new Mokko.)

For styling, it uses Bulma for much of the heavy lifting, occasionally abetted by (I was in a hurry!) inline style props.

How do I set it up?

It's a create-react-app blob o' JS, baby: pull down the repo, run npm i, npm run start, and you should be greeted with a version running on your local (worry not; the backend setup is somewhat more involved.)

You want it deployed remotely, it's just a matter of:

  • updating the API_URL in src/constants.jsx;
  • running npm run build; then
  • dropping the build/* dir on a CDN.

What's next?

Not much, at least for a while.

I dropped the app on Netlify/Heroku and used it for six weeks, to

  1. confirm that it engaged recurring focus on ideas that interested me, perhaps even actuating new thoughts or interpretations of those ideas (success!); and
  2. surface frictions, deficiencies, bugs, etc that arose during daily usage (...alas, also success!)

My initial extrinsic motivation for creating/using this tool, however, was to first populate, then winnow down, topics on which I might conduct PhD research. And that's not on the horizon for severrrrrral years.

(Moreover, it's something I'd like to eventually share with non/quasi-technical peers for review, and the best way to do that is likely as a native app with eventual cloud-backup. And that means either learning QT or diving back into Electron... both of which are probably even further down the horizon.) 😹