
A Meme store powered by solana that allows users share, like/unlike, and even delete memes they post, and also tip their favorite meme posters with some SOL!

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Build a Web3 app on Solana with React and Rust

All the steps of the Buildspace tutorial to create a web3 dapp on Solana with React and Rust.

  1. Install Rust

  2. Install Solana

  3. Install Node, NPM and Mocha

    npm install -g mocha

  4. Install Anchor

    Anchor makes it really easy to run Solana programs locally and deploy them to the actual Solana chain.

    cargo install --git https://github.com/project-serum/anchor anchor-cli --locked

    This project starts from the command: anchor init myepicproject --javascript

  5. Create a keypair solana-keygen new

  6. Create a keypair for the web3

To allow users to use your dApp or application on Solana, they will need to get access to their Keypair. A Keypair is a private key with a matching public key, used to sign transactions.

There are two ways to obtain a Keypair:

Generate a new Keypair
Obtain a Keypair using the secret key

You can obtain a new Keypair with the following: cd app/src; node createKeyPair.js