
LogisticRegression Machine Learning model training implemented with both Spark and Dask for 515k Hotel Reviews

Primary LanguagePython

Set (and create) user, password and port in config.py in 'ml' folder for your MongoDB setup.

Requires Python <= Python3.7, personally using 3.6 and I know 3.8 doesn't work (because I tried)

Dataset: https://www.kaggle.com/jiashenliu/515k-hotel-reviews-data-in-europe

Shell script I personally use to run Docker-container of MongoDB and mount a volume on in my home directory is included (change username, password and user). Add alias to .bashrc: alias mongodb='sh mongodb.sh' and start with mongodb start and stop with mongodb stop

A Plotly's Dash webpage is included as wel (web_app.py). This can only be used after both Dask and Spark have been run.