
manjaro packaged with i3 and software i need


customized i3 manjaro community edition

build by github - look inside github action for build instructions

iso-profiles for the files

sneak peak

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download isos

the iso's are split up into 2GB files due to size limits of github you can download the .iso files from https://github.com/loeken/loekenjaro/releases

wget https://github.com/loeken/loekenjaro/releases/download/202202232126/manjaro-i3-22.02-loekenjaro-220223-linux516.iso.z01
wget https://github.com/loeken/loekenjaro/releases/download/202202232126/manjaro-i3-22.02-loekenjaro-220223-linux516.iso.zip
# combine
cat manjaro-i3-22.02-loekenjaro-220223-linux516.iso.z01 manjaro-i3-22.02-loekenjaro-220223-linux516.iso.zip > combined.zip
unzip combined.zip

this creates: manjaro-i3-*.iso

added packages:

  • terminator
  • pulseaudio-bluetooth
  • thunar
  • xfce4-settings
  • rofi
  • nmap
  • iotop
  • bwm-ng
  • htop
  • kubectl
  • polybar
  • brave-browser
  • code
  • zsh-theme-powerlevel10k
  • zsh-autosuggestions
  • docker
  • nodejs