
.NET port of Multi-Annotator Competence Estimation

Primary LanguageC#


MACE .NET (Multi-Annotator Competence Estimation)

Unofficial port of the MACE Reference Implementation for the .NET platform. Unlike the reference implementation, MACE .NET is targeted as a library. Not every option from the reference implementation is supported, the input format was changed for better ergonomy, and a few edits to the math used were done.

Please see:

Dirk Hovy, Taylor Berg-Kirkpatrick, Ashish Vaswani, and Eduard Hovy (2013): Learning Whom to Trust With MACE.

A high-level overview of MACE is available here.

Getting started

Install-Package macenet

Create a dataset for labeling, consisting of N items, where each item will be labeled from the same pool of labels by at least one annotator. Each annotator can assign only one label from the pool (no multi-labeling). For example, here is a dataset of three pictures. Each of them we need to classify as a dog or as a cat. We will assign each possible label a unique int32 value. Let 0 = dog, 1 = cat.

fatcat bingus boi

Note that we could classify anything else, another example would be whether a sentence is positive or not.

We have three annotators available but not all of them for labelling of all the items. This represents a crowdsourced solution where annotators might be available only for a brief time. Each annotator needs a unique identifier, represented as int32. Let's say we have the following labels:

Data Annotator 1 Annotator 2 Annotator 3
Item 1 0 1
Item 2 0 1 1
Item 3 0

Annotator 3 skipped the first image, annotated the second image as a cat and the third image as a dog.

In code, we can do this as:

using macenet;

List<MaceAnnotation> annotations = new List<MaceAnnotation>
    // params: annotator, item, chosen label 
    new MaceAnnotation(1, 0, 0),
    new MaceAnnotation(1, 1, 0),
    new MaceAnnotation(2, 0, 1),
    new MaceAnnotation(2, 1, 1),
    new MaceAnnotation(3, 1, 1),
    new MaceAnnotation(3, 2, 0)

Observe the first item, we have one vote for it being a cat and one for it being a dog. In majority voting, we would have to flip a coin. Instead, we can use MACE and the power of Bayesian statistics, to get much better results:

MaceResult result = Mace.Evaluate(annotations);

MaceResult is a static, thread-safe routine, that gives us three sets of output information:

  1. result.Labels - percentual probability of each possible label for each item of the dataset. For each item, the choices sum to 100%.
  2. result.Annotators - percentual reliability of each annotator. This is in the range of 0..100% for each annotator.
  3. result.Entropies - difficulty of each item. In case of unanimous consensus, this will be very low.

Complete code to run:

using macenet;

List<MaceAnnotation> annotations = new List<MaceAnnotation>
    // params: annotator, item, chosen label 
    new MaceAnnotation(1, 0, 0),
    new MaceAnnotation(1, 1, 0),
    new MaceAnnotation(2, 0, 1),
    new MaceAnnotation(2, 1, 1),
    new MaceAnnotation(3, 1, 1),
    new MaceAnnotation(3, 2, 0)

MaceResult result = Mace.Evaluate(annotations);

We can print the results:

foreach (MaceResultItemLabel prediction in result.Labels)
    Console.WriteLine($"Predictions for item {prediction.Item}");

    foreach (MaceLabel label in prediction.Labels)
        Console.WriteLine($"-- {label}");

/*Predictions for item 0
-- Option 1, trust 90.16728%
-- Option 0, trust 9.83272%
Predictions for item 1
-- Option 1, trust 99.08392%
-- Option 0, trust 0.91608%
Predictions for item 2
-- Option 0, trust 92.14050%
-- Option 1, trust 7.85950%*/

Note that the options are sorted by default in descending order of trust. So here, instead of flipping a coin, we are pretty sure the correct label for the first item is 1 (cat).


The Mace.Evaluate routine can take a second argument with various settings. Each option is set to a sane default, so we can modify just the properties we want to touch:

  • Alpha and Beta - two hyperparameters representing how much the annotators are guessing.
  • Noise - represents default bias toward randomly considering an annotator more or less reliable.
  • Restarts - the amount of times we run the algorithm. As this is an EM-based technique, when oscillating efficiency and maximization steps we can diverge more and more.
  • Iterations - the amount of times EM steps will be run, both steps are considered as one iteration.
  • Callbacks - in case of need to track the progress, you can listen for it here. Note that this blocks the execution, avoid slow logic here.

Control Labels

We can help the algorithm by including a few items with known (ground truth) labels. These are sometimes called "control". This can be done by providing a third parameter to the Mace.Evaluate routine:

List<MaceAnnotation> annotations = new List<MaceAnnotation>
    // params: annotator, item, chosen label 
    new MaceAnnotation(1, 0, 0),
    new MaceAnnotation(1, 1, 0),
    new MaceAnnotation(2, 0, 1),
    new MaceAnnotation(2, 1, 1),
    new MaceAnnotation(3, 1, 1),
    new MaceAnnotation(3, 2, 0)

List<MaceControlLabel> controls = new List<MaceControlLabel>
    new MaceControlLabel(0, 1) // in the example above, this means the first item is a cat

MaceResult result = Mace.Evaluate(annotations, null, controls);


There is a demo console application available in /src/macenet.demo.


Dirk Hovy et. al for creating the reference implementation.
Aneta Kahleová for help with understanding the original manuscript.