
Embeddable scripting language for C#. WIP. Goals: async/await, il bytecode, safe by default, performance.

Primary LanguageC#



Embeddable scripting language for C# written in C#.

Install-Package SxScript

Hello world:

SxScript.SxScript script = new SxScript.SxScript();
string stdout = await script.Interpret("print \"hello world\"");

First 10 Fibonacci numbers, recursive:

function fib(n) {
  if (n <= 1) return n;
  return fib(n - 2) + fib(n - 1);

for (var i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
  print fib(i);

// result: 0 1 1 2 3 5 8 13 21 34

Check https://github.com/lofcz/sxscript/tree/master/SxScriptTests/Programs for more programs.

Goals of this project are (in order of priority, desc)

  • good test coverage
  • support both adhoc evaluation and il bytecode + vm
  • high IO throughput via async/await
  • safe by default, require explicit whitelisting of CLR interop
  • allow limitation of execution time, memory used, intructions executed, recursion depth, enumerables length, iterations in looping statements
  • syntactically be a relaxed subset of C# (inclined towards Lua, JS)
  • visitable AST

Progress tracker

  • statements
    • branching
      • if
      • else if / else
      • ternary (a ? b : c)
      • switch
    • looping
      • while
      • for
      • foreach
    • jump
      • goto
      • break
      • continue
      • return
    • labeled
    • label
    • case
    • default
    • scope
    • code block {}
    • global scope
    • variable shadowing
    • logical
    • and / &&
    • or / ||
    • short circuit
    • bitwise
    • &
    • |
    • modifiers
    • await
    • async
    • public
    • private
    • static
    • base types
    • function
    • null / nill
    • int
    • double
    • string
    • bool
    • object
    • true, false
    • array (hashmap)
  • operators
  • assignment
  • unary +, -
  • binary +, -, *, /, %, ^
  • compound assignment +=, *=, /=, -=, %=, ^=
  • null coalescing ??, ??=
  • postfix
  • ++, --
  • arrays
  • object members
  • comments
  • // single line
  • /* */ multiline comment. nesting won't be allowed
  • evaluation
  • interpretation
  • bytecode + vm
  • OOP
  • classes
  • this
  • constructors
  • static methods
  • access modifiers (public, private)
  • inheritance
  • polymorphism
  • getters & setters
  • traits
  • FFI
  • (partially) calling FFI functions, this should support both Func<T1..T16> + Action<T1..T16> and Func<Task<T1..T16>> + Action<Task<T1..T16>>
  • sugar
  • default parameter values fn sum(a = 1, b = 2) {}
  • parameter by name myFn(myParam: 1)
  • misc
  • local functions
  • anonymous functions (lambdas)
  • params fn sum(params numbers)


  • semicolons are optional
  • parenthesis around keywords are optional. Both if (condition) and if condition are valid
  • scopes are optional. Implicit scope is one statement. a = 0 if 1 > 2 a = 2 print a is valid
  • tabs are always discarded (no ident / dedent)
  • newlines are almost always discarded
  • dynamic type control. Optional static types. Implicit var declaration. Both a = 0 and var a = 0 is valid. In future int a = 0 should be valid too.
  • SxScript is as permissive as possible. Aborting execution is always considered the last option. This is probably not a very good design but I love languages with this behavior (Lua).
  • exceptions are not used to control flow (return, continue, break..)

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