
Write WordPress in Markdown in Your Favorite Text Editor !! :sunglasses: :sunglasses:

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


MarkPress is a command line tool to create and publish markdown post for WordPress.


  • Syntax highlighting for fenced code block.
  • Meta header in markdown to describe title / categories / tags.
  • Supports GraphViz scripts to render graphics.
  • Supports Proxy (HTTP/SOCKS4/SOCKS5).


Clone the repository to some where you like:

git clone https://github.com/skywind3000/markpress.git ~/.local/app/markpress

Add bin folder in your $PATH, put the line below in your .bashrc / .zshrc:

export PATH="~/.local/app/markpress/bin:$PATH"

If you don't want to modify $PATH, you can create a symbol link for markpress/bin/markpress and put it in somewhere within your $PATH.

Install requirements:

sudo pip install python-wordpress-xmlrpc markdown beautifulsoup4 PySocks

Now, command markpress is ready to work.

Quick Start

First, create config.ini in ~/.config/markpress:



Multiple sites can be defined in different section, like [0], [1] and [2]. Section 0 is the default site.

After that, we can create a new document:

markpress -n mypost.md

MarkPress will create a new markdown document with meta header:

uuid: 1234
status: draft

WordPress server will allocate a unique uuid for each new post, and use it for post identification. Now you can edit mypost.md with your favorite editor and write something like:

uuid: 1234
title: How to use asyncio in python ?
status: publish
categories: Development
tags: python, server
# Why you need asyncio ?

- reason 1
- reason 2
- reason 3

# Principle behind the asyncio


Don't forget to change status from draft to publish. At last use MarkPress to update your document to server:

markpress -u mypost.md

You may see the output:

post uuid=1234 updated: mypost.md

Now you can use the output url above to access your document.

For Windows, use -o to open the url in your favorite browser:

markpress -o mypost.md

There is also a date option in the meta header for publishing date:

date: 2019-05-11 18:48

You can use it to indicate the document's date in local time precisely. For UTC time, use the format like 2019-05-11T18:48Z.

That's all you need to know.


Syntax Highlighting

When you are using fenced code block like:

int x = 10;
int y = 20;

MarkPress will translate it to:

<pre><code class="cpp">int x = 10;
int y = 20;

A wordpress plugin "WP Code Highlight.js" can color each <code> tags by using highlight.js:

int x = 10;
int y = 20;

It supports 185 languages with 89 styles and will definitely satisfy your need.

You can change the code block styles and modify css in the setting page of "WP Code Highlight.js" in your wordpress dashboard.


MathJax is a JavaScript display engine for mathematics. The most easy way to use it in WordPress is using the "Simple MathJax" plugin.

By default:

  • Expression within $...$ will be rendered inline.
  • Expression within $$...$$ will be rendered in block.
$\sum_{n=1}^{100} n$

Will be rendered as:


AveP = \int_0^1 p(r) dr

Will be rendered as:

Backslash can be used for escaping the $, if you have to input a $ (dollar) sign in your document, escape it like \$.


MarkPress supports GraphViz to render diagrams:

graph g {
    A -> B
    B -> C
    B -> D

Code block with viz-{engine} notation will be compiled into inline SVG xml in your post. and be rendered by browser like:

Engine dot, circo, neato, osage, or twopi are supported.

GraphViz must be installed to enable this. MarkPress needs to find the GraphViz executables (like dot, circo ...). If they are inaccessible from environment variable $PATH, you can tell MarkPress how to find them in config.ini:


We can use another engine circo in a viz-circo block:

digraph st2 {
 node [fontname = "Verdana", fontsize = 10, color="skyblue", shape="record"];
 edge [fontname = "Verdana", fontsize = 10, color="crimson", style="solid"];
 st_hash_type [label="{<head>st_hash_type|(*compare)|(*hash)}"];
 st_table_entry [label="{<head>st_table_entry|hash|key|record|<next>next}"];
 st_table [label="{st_table|<type>type|num_bins|num_entries|<bins>bins}"];
 st_table:bins -> st_table_entry:head;
 st_table:type -> st_hash_type:head;
 st_table_entry:next -> st_table_entry:head [style="dashed", color="forestgreen"];


A lot of funny examples are available in GraphViz Gallery.


MarkPress ships with a light-weight markdown parser called markdown2. Most of time it works just fine.

But you can still change it to a much powerful one: python-markdown. To setup this, add engine=markdown option in the default section of your config.ini:


The engine can be one of:

  • native: default builtin markdown2 parser.
  • markdown: python-markdown parser.
  • pandoc: as its name.

The python-markdown has a lot of official and third-party extensions.

Declare the extensions as a comma separated list in the config.ini:


Remember to install them before that:

pip install pymdown-extensions

Then we can use github emoji markup like :sunglasses: in our markdown document, and it will be rendered as: :sunglasses:

And use ~~tilde~~ to represents tilde.

There can also be a ~/.config/markpress/extensions.py file can be used to define a extension_configs dict object which will be passed to python-markdown.

If you are using emoji you may need this to specify styles, see more here.


Proxy is specified in the site sections:


PySocks Supports three protocols: http, socks4 and socks5.

Visual Studio Code

A VSCode plugin: Markdown Preview Enhanced is recommended to work with MarkPress.

It supports MathJax and GraphViz preview directly. The only thing we need to take care is MPE uses a different notion for GraphViz:

```viz {engine="dot"}

We can config MPE to support our viz-{engine} notion, use CTRL+SHIFT+P and input:

Markdown Preview Enhanced: Extend Parser

Press ENTER and write a parser extender like:

module.exports = {
  onWillParseMarkdown: function(markdown) {
    return new Promise((resolve, reject)=> {
      var reg = new RegExp("^\\s*\\`\\`\\`viz-(\\S+)\\s*$", "g");
      var parts = markdown.split("\n");
      var output = new Array();
      for (var j = 0; j < parts.length; j++) {
        var text = parts[j];
        var n = text.match(reg);
        if (n != null) {
          var pos = text.indexOf("```viz-");
          if (pos >= 0) {
            var name = text.substr(pos + 7).trim();
            text = text.substr(0, pos) + "```viz {engine=\"" + name + "\"}";
      markdown = output.join("\n");
      return resolve(markdown)
  onDidParseMarkdown: function(html) {
    return new Promise((resolve, reject)=> {
      return resolve(html)

It will translate viz-xxx to viz {engine="xxx"} before parsing. Then press CTRL+S to save the javascript.

Now MPE is capable to recognize our viz-xxx code blocks.