
Create a Spotify Playlist based on setlist info from setlist.fm

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Description: Creates a spotify playlist using data from a live setlist at setlist.fm.

This is my final project for Harvards CS50X


For this project I used Poetry to manage package dependencies.

For Poetry:

Step 1: Clone or this repository to a local folder

Step 2: Create a virtual environment using Poetry:

cd to the folder where the code is located

poetry shell

To install dependencies:

poetry install

For other virtual environment:

Create a virtual environment using your preferred software and install packag dependencies which are listed in the requirements.txt file.

Configure the environment variables

Rename the file .env-example to .env

These are the API keys and other mandatory keys we need to authenticate to both the setlist.fm API and the Spotify API.


How to get the spotify client ID and client SECRET:

Log into https://developer.spotify.com/dashboard/applications with your spotify account.

Click the green button called CREATE AN APP

App name: Choose the name of your app. Can be whatever

App description: Something descriptive

Agree to the Terms of Service

Client ID is on the left, copy that and save it to .env


Client SECRET is on the left, copy that and save it to .env


And add under Redirect URIs

Click add then SAVE

How to get the setlist.fm API key:

Sign in or register an account on https://www.setlist.fm

Once signed in go here to request an API key https://www.setlist.fm/settings/api

After a little while you will get an API key. Paste that into .env behind SETLIST_API_KEY =

How to use this script

After installing the dependencies and fixing .env to have all necessary keys navigate to your folder in the terminal and run the following.

First navigate to setlist.fm and find a setlist you want to make into a spotify playlist.

You need the setlistID located last in the URL. It looks like this 33bc8cd5

The first time this project is run, or if the API keys from spotify has expired a web browser will open and ask you to sign in.

Next run the script like this:

python main.py -id setlistID

For example:

python main.py -id 23bc788b

Output will look like this. With fancy ASCII art with the band name:

 ❯ python main.py -id 23bc788b
    _             _     _ _            _
   / \   _ __ ___| |__ (_) |_ ___  ___| |_ ___
  / _ \ | '__/ __| '_ \| | __/ _ \/ __| __/ __|
 / ___ \| | | (__| | | | | ||  __/ (__| |_\__ \
/_/   \_\_|  \___|_| |_|_|\__\___|\___|\__|___/

08-Jan-23 10:14:58 - Tracks, artist and other relevant info fetched from Setlist
08-Jan-23 10:14:58 - Playlist created
08-Jan-23 10:15:02 - Tracks fetched from Spotify API
08-Jan-23 10:15:02 - Tracks added from setlist to playlist!

If the setlistID is invalid you will get an error:

❯ python main.py -id awd
Error 404, setlist not found

Now head over to spotify and enjoy. Please make an issue or ask if something is not working.

Some more details on how authentication to the Spotify API is done.

Authentication flow is somewhat complicated, so I decided to use an external library called:


This library handles the auth token and refresh token generated by Spotify, and will refresh itself if needed when it runs out. This is done because we authenticate at every run, to make sure we are logged in.

Spotipy GitHub repository: https://github.com/spotipy-dev/spotipy

Spotipy documentation: https://spotipy.readthedocs.io/en/2.22.0/

Other information

As mentioned in the title, this project was created after finishing Harvards CS50x course.


Highly recommended if you are as me new to the world of CS. Even if I have over 10 years experience in the IT world, I learned a ton and all thanks to an engaging teacher and interesting problem sets. Some more complicated than others. This course is free.

If you have any questions contact me on Twitter or make an Issue in this repo.