- 0
Several CVE vulnerabilities in JsPolicy 0.2.2
#130 opened by jaredhancock31 - 0
Test Issue for Integration Testing
#126 opened by deniseschannon - 3
webpack-plugin repo
#117 opened by joshperry - 3
Mutate object in DELETE operation
#114 opened by AmirRezaSobhdel - 4
Create policy library
#113 opened by AndresPinerosZen - 5
ARM64 support
#24 opened by githubcdr - 1
Allow configure reinvocationPolicy of WebhookConfiguration in the JSPolicy specification
#106 opened by verdel - 1
- 1
New release?
#105 opened by xonstone - 1
Add support for Admission Webhook Match Conditions
#104 opened by semekh - 2
[BUG] Defining a `namespaceSelector` in a `jspolicy` object causes an infinite create/destroy loop for the resulting `validatingwebhookconfiguration`
#96 opened by spkane - 1
Vulnerability Remediation Roadmap
#94 opened by kirkpabk - 0
policy/v1beta1 API version of PodDisruptionBudget is no longer served as of v1.25.
#98 opened by ayeks - 0
- 1
Epic: Move from v8go to node
#58 opened by FabianKramm - 0
External JsPolicy server
#62 opened by max-rh - 2
- 0
Allow to parameterize the policies
#67 opened by as42sl - 0
- 0
Update k8s dependencies
#59 opened by FabianKramm - 0
Add tolerations, (anti)affinity, nodeSelector and PodDisruptionBudget to the helm chart
#39 opened by MaxRink - 0
- 3
- 6
imagePullSecrets support in helm
#25 opened by infa-ddeore - 2
- 2
`warn` doesn't allow namespace deletion
#26 opened by infa-ddeore - 2
- 4