GDC 2023 Demo
The Requirements
To reproduce and publish this project, there are a few software requirements that must be met:
- A MongoDB Atlas account with an M0 tier cluster or better.
- The latest Unity LTS release
- The Realm CLI
- The .NET Core SDK
The project is split into three core parts which include the data and backend layer hosted on MongoDB Atlas, the game built with Unity, and the registration form built with Blazor.
General Game Configuration
While not one of the core three parts, the game operates on a configuration file that exists in MongoDB Atlas.
Create a game database and a config collection. The collection should contain a single document with the following data:
"RoundDuration": {
"$numberDouble": "60.0"
"BulletDamage": {
"$numberDouble": "15.0"
"BulletSpeed": {
"$numberDouble": "500.0"
"PlayerMoveSpeed": {
"$numberDouble": "5.0"
"PlayerRotateSpeed": {
"$numberDouble": "100.0"
"BulletLifespan": {
"$numberDouble": "1.0"
"PelletHeatlhSmall": {
"$numberDouble": "50.0"
"PelletHeatlhLarge": {
"$numberDouble": "150.0"
"PelletHeatlhMedium": {
"$numberDouble": "75.0"
Failure to import the above document will result in the Unity game throwing errors.
MongoDB Atlas App Services Configuration & Deployment
The MongoDB Atlas App Services project is included within the repository as atlas_app_services and it can be managed with the Realm CLI.
Setup and deployment of the Atlas App Services project can be done through the following steps:
- Connect the Realm CLI to your Atlas Project. You can learn how to do this within the MongoDB documentation.
- Update the atlas_app_services/data_sources/mongodb_atlas/config.json file to include the correct Atlas cluster name for your project.
- Execute
realm-cli push --remote "<YOUR_APP_ID>" --include-package-json
When prompted, follow the instructions to complete the deployment of your application.
When completed, rules, functions, endpoints, and anything else related to this project will be deployed within your account. Make note of any URLs to be copied into your Unity project.
Within the Atlas App Services dashboard, obtain your API key from the Authentication tab.
Unity Game Configuration
The Unity game has a strong dependency on the HTTPS Endpoints that are a part of MongoDB Atlas App Services. When you have those endpoints, add them to the unity_game/Assets/Scripts/00_Shared/Constants.cs file.
The file will look something like this:
namespace _00_Shared
public static class Constants
public const string Version = "v1.0-RC2";
public const string DataApiUrlInsertOne = "https://<YOUR_ATLAS_APP_SERVICES_ENDPOINT_URL_HERE>/snapshot";
public const string DataApiUrlGetMany = "https://<YOUR_ATLAS_APP_SERVICES_ENDPOINT_URL_HERE>/snapshots";
public const string DataApiUrlGetOne = "https://<YOUR_ATLAS_APP_SERVICES_ENDPOINT_URL_HERE>/snapshot?id=";
public const string GetPlayersEndpoint = "https://<YOUR_ATLAS_APP_SERVICES_ENDPOINT_URL_HERE>/players";
public const string GetConfigEndpoint = "https://<YOUR_ATLAS_APP_SERVICES_ENDPOINT_URL_HERE>/config";
public const string DataApiKey = "<YOUR_APP_SERVICES_API_KEY>";
public const float RecordingSpeed = 0.1f;
The Unity game will now be able to communicate with MongoDB Atlas through the HTTPS Endpoints and Functions that were previously deployed.
Blazor Configuration & Deployment
To register new players within the game, the user must visit a website on their computer or mobile device. This website was built with Blazor and communicates to MongoDB Atlas with the C# driver. This website can be ran locally or deployed to a cloud service.
Get started by adjusting the ConnectionString
in the blazor_registration/gdc_2023_demo_registration/appsettings.json file.
"ConnectionStrings": {
To run the project locally, execute the following from the command line:
dotnet run
The application can be accessed at http://localhost:5002