
Tests for semantic conformance to protocols from the Swift standard library

Primary LanguageSwiftApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


XCTests that a type obeys the semantic laws of its Swift standard library protocol conformances. For example, with this module imported, every MutableCollection type gets a checkMutableCollectionsLaws method that can help validate that it has been properly defined.

The protocols currently supported are:

  • Collection
  • Comparable
  • Equatable
  • Hashable
  • MutableCollection
  • RandomAccessCollection
  • Sequence


Say you have defined a MutableCollection called FourStrings. How do you know it's correct? Even if you have tested the methods you wrote directly, there's still a large API surface that comes from its conformance to MutableCollection—the sort() method, for example—and any module can add more APIs in an extension. For these APIs to work properly, there's a set of laws that FourStrings' protocol requirement implementations must follow. For example, writing into an element via subscript must update the indicated element to the right value, without modifying any other elements or changing the length of the collection. These laws are rather loosely implied by the MutableCollection documentation, but are crucially important in making FourStrings work as advertised. Furthermore, MutableCollection refines Collection and Sequence, each of which has laws of its own, and has associated types like Index, Indices, SubSequence and Iterator, with their own laws. This package allows you to test conformance to all of these laws with one method call:

import XCTest
import LoftTest_StandardLibraryProtocolChecks

class FourStringsTests: XCTestCase {
  func testConformances() {
    var subject = FourStrings("one", "two", "three", "four")
    subject.checkMutableCollectionLaws( // <========= HERE
      expecting: ["one", "two", "three", "four"], writing: ["1", "2", "3", "4"])


Testing Sequences and Collections with non-Equatable elements.

If you can't come up with equatable elements for your sequence, e.g. if the elements are non-nominal types like tuples, there's an overload of each check xxxLaws function that accepts an additional areEquivalent parameter, to which you can pass an equivalence relation. If your elements are tuples with an == operator, you can simply pass areEquivalent: ==.

RandomAccessCollection tests only work for adapters

For testing RandomAccessCollection conformance, we faced an interesting problem: RandomAccessCollection adds no syntactic requirements beyond those of BidirectionalCollection, and the only new semantic requirements relate to performance. For instance index(i, offsetBy: N) is required to be at worst O(N) for a Collection, but RandomAccessCollection tightens that requirement to O(1). The default implementation of index(i, offsetBy: n) works by looping n times, advancing i at each iteration, so it works great for anything that isn't a RandomAccessCollection. However, that same implementation makes it really easy to define a RandomAccessCollection that compiles and gives correct results with the wrong performance, which in turn ruins the performance of important algorithms such as sort(). Because of some language quirks, it's especially easy to make this mistake when the collection's conformance relies on conditional protocol extensions.

For most collections, we have no deterministic way of checking how the performance of index(_:offsetBy:) scales (it would be interesting to investigate benchmark-like tests checking the performance of operations such as index(_:offsetBy:) but that capability is beyond the current scope of this package). For collection adapters, though, we can count the number of index(after:) operations invoked by index(_:offsetBy:), thus revealing when index(_:offsetBy:) hasn't been explicitly implemented. A collection adapter is a collection that adapts some underlying generic “base” Collection to alter its behavior. There are several examples in the standard library, e.g. LazyMapCollection and ReversedCollection. To test ReversedCollection, there are three steps:

  1. Declare its conformance to RandomAccessCollectionAdapter:

    extension ReversedCollection: RandomAccessCollectionAdapter
      where Base: RandomAccessCollection {}
  2. Adapt a special base collection called RandomAccessOperationCounter:

    let base = RandomAccessOperationCounter(0..<20)
    let adapter: ReversedCollection = base.reversed()
  3. Pass the base collection along to the adapter's checkRandomAccessCollectionLaws method:

    let expectedElements = (0..<20).map { 19 - $0 }
      expecting: expectedElements,
      operationCounts: base.operationCounts)

You can find a more complete example in the documentation for RandomAccessCollectionAdapter.

Optional “equivalent instance” parameters

Some types have what are known as “non-salient attributes,” that shouldn't affect their notion of equality or hash value. For instance, two Array<Int>s can be equal even when they have different capacity, because capacity is a non-salient attribute of Array. Occasionally, especially with types that have remote parts, a property that should be non-salient, such as a cache, or a pointer to the type's actual value, may be exposed unintentionally. In the UnsafePointer-to-value case, the default conformance to Equatable synthesized by the compiler will happily do that for you.

For structurally-simple types with no risk of such mistakes, it's sufficient to test their conformance to Equatable, Hashable, or Comparable with the fewest possible explicit arguments:

func testHashableInts() {
  let examples = [Int.min, -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, Int.max]
  for i in examples {
    i.checkHashableLaws() // <======== HERE

But for more interesting types, the tests accept optional equal: arguments that allow the library to probe for likely problems:

func testHashableArrays() {
  let a = Array(0..<10)
  var b = Array(0..<10)
  var c = Array(0..<10)
  // Ensure `a`, `b`, and `c` have distinct internal representations
  b.reserveCapacity(a.capacity * 2)
  c.reserveCapacity(b.capacity * 2) 
  // Pass the distinct-but-equal instances `b` and `c` to the check.
  a.checkHashableLaws(equal: b, c) // <======= HERE