
Deep Modules For Abstract Reasoning Corpus

Primary LanguagePython

Deep Modules For Abstract Reasoning Corpus

Contact: Logan Bruns logan@gedanken.org

Abstract from project paper

The Abstraction and Reasoning Corpus (ARC) attempts to provide a benchmark on abstract reasoning given a limited number of visual priors. We train a deep learning model to run against this benchmark and show that it is capable of recognizing certain types of tasks from a few examples and then perform these tasks at least to some extent. The best test accuracy was .94 and then IoU was .56 but the qualitative analysis of the predictions is perhaps more interesting. Observations are made about which portions of the data preprocessing and architecture are important and why.

Example predictions on test dataset


Repository layout

Source files

Makefile: top level makefile to run training, start tensorboard and start notebook server

deeparc.py: training script

arc_model.py: model class containing model architecture and losses

layer_utils.py: utilities for creating model layers

data_transforms.py: dataset transforms for creating features and augmenting data

arc.py: ARC dataset loader

json_to_tfrecord.py: script to convert dataset to tfrecord format

environment.yml: conda environment yaml for creating python virtual environment

Experiments.md: brief experiments logs


data/ directory to download dataset to and store transformed forms

experiments/ directory to hold experiment checkpoints and tensorboard logs

Environment preparation steps

$ conda env create --name deep-module-arc --file environment.yml
$ conda activate deep-module-arc

Data preparation steps

Download dataset from kaggle

Download ARC kaggle dataset zip from kaggle:


Unzip into input directory

$ cd data
$ unzip /path/to/abstraction-and-reasoning-challenge.zip 

Convert from JSON to TFRECORD

$ python json_to_tfrecord.py

Training steps

Start tensorboard

$ make tensorboard

Start training

$ make train

Monitor training and results in tensorboard

Go to http://localhost:6006/ or http://hostname:6006/ and click images tab to see examples of the training context images, predictions, and ground truth.