
A tool to generate hackathon teams based on students' interests. Created during Desert Hacks 2017.

Primary LanguageCSS

Team Wide Web

Pain Point

Students arrive at a hackathon- without friends, without an idea, without the courage to make a pitch for other participants to join their team.


Hackathon participants can be sorted into teams of 3 based on either common interests or different interests.

How It Works

  1. A student logs their interest in the hardware, software or business field via Google Forms.
  2. This data is stored in a Google Spreadsheet.
  3. Our web-app (hosted on Domains.com) has two buttons: "Common Interests" and "Different Interests." The hackathon coordinator can choose how to create teams.
  4. A Google Spreadsheet node module accesses the spreadsheet. An algorithm creates teams according to the button pressed in Step 3.
  5. The team assignments are displayed horizontally on the website.

Development Challenges

  • Working with express.js for the first time: understanding syntax, workflow, directories
  • Pulling data from Google Spreadsheets: finding a method (API) to do so efficiently
  • Graphic design: setting the colors of the cards

Team Accomplishments

  • Good team communication was established at the start of the project
  • Many ideas surfaced during the "brain dump"
  • We could acknowledge when a project idea had already been built/executed, and could move on to something new with no hard feelings
  • Planned the final project with outlines, diagrams, pseudocode, pictures
  • Overcame all the Development Challenges

Lessons Learned

  1. Be careful with merge conflicts.
  2. Always look for a node module for your project before you start building.
  3. Document all your work: brainstorming, planning stages, code.
  4. Don't be afraid to share ideas. (Speak up!)
  5. Have multiple ideas or methods.

What's Next for Team Wide Web?

  • Refine for use in future hackathons.
  • Collect feedback from users to improve our product and better suit their needs.