
Scipy.org web site source code

Primary LanguageHTMLBSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" LicenseBSD-3-Clause


The SciPy website is built on the scientific-python-hugo-theme and served using Hugo.


After installing Hugo, build locally:

git submodule update --init
make html

The pages are in public/.

To run the development server, which hosts the site and recompiles automatically on edits:

make serve

Team lists

To update the teams, the team_query.py provided by the theme is used. It needs a GitHub token with read:org permissions. The token has to be exported as GH_TOKEN.

export GH_TOKEN=xxxxxxxxxx
make teams


The service Plausible.io is used to gather simple and privacy-friendly analytics for the site. The dashboard can be accessed here. The Scientific-Python community is managing the account.