
The static site generator that runs landscapesforhealing.com

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Landscapes for Healing

The static site generator that runs landscapesforhealing.com

This website is powered by the nanoc static site generator and the Zurb Foundation front-end framework.



Quick start

$ git clone git@github.com:logankoester/landscapesforhealing.git
$ cd landscapesforhealing
$ bundle install
$ npm install
$ bower install
$ nanoc compile
$ nanoc view

The website will now be running at http://localhost:3000.


To compile the website, run nanoc compile. To recompile automatically when a file is changed, run guard start.

Adding pages

To add a new page, simply create a Markdown file under content/, with some YAML metadata at the top. The filename will determine the URL.

The title attribute is required.


If your page should be an article (blog entry), set kind: article and created_at: YYYY-MM-DD. This will add it to the Atom feed, set an introductory sidebar panel, and display the created_at date on the page.

You should also set menu: articles, so it appears in the menu.


To add a page to the top navigation, set the attribute menu: top.

To add a page to the sidebar menu ("Further reading"), set menu: articles.

If you set a menu attribute, you may also set a numeric position attribute, relative to the other pages in the menu.


A page can add an optional sidebar panel by including an ERB block with content for :panel.


<% content_for :panel do %>
  <h1>Panel content</h1>
<% end %>

You must use HTML, not Markdown syntax inside the panel content.

Upgrading Zurb Foundation

$ bower update

Bower and RequireJS

Frontend javascript is structured as AMD modules (bundled at compile-time), and external frontend packages are managed by Bower under components/.

A preprocess hook (optimize_rjs) on the nanoc compiler uses the r.js optimizer to bundle all JavaScript into output/js/app.bundle.js, which is excluded from pruning and loaded by the default layout.

A postinstall hook on Bower (see .bowerrc) changes updates the paths in js/config.js so that the optimizer can find the dependencies required by any internal javascript modules (put these under js/ and load them from the main module, js/app.js).

To add a package, just run bower install <name>, add it to the dependency array of the AMD definition where it is needed, and recompile.


$ bundle exec nanoc check --all


Commit your changes and push them to master.

This will trigger a build at http://ci.ldk.io/logankoester/landscapesforhealing/. If the nanoc check --deploy tests pass, the new build will be deployed to landscapesforhealing.com for you.


The production environment runs on Digital Ocean, and the domain is registered through Hover.


All content © 2007-2015 Landscapes For Healing.