
Tools to migrate existing Salesforce orgs to SFDX projects

Primary LanguageJavaScript


This is a plugin to help create new SFDX projects from existing Salesforce orgs. The ultimate goal is to run an sfdx hydrate:project command, and produce an SFDX project from an existing orgs metadata.

Creating a scratch file from a source org

The first feature built towards this goal is creating a scratch file. Salesforce is piloting an org shape feature, but I'm impatient and could get 90% of the way there without it.

The only missing piece from the resulting scratch org is the features list. I'm working on it.

Run the command:

$ sfdx hydrate:scratchfile -u {username|alias} > project-scratch-def.json

This will produce a scratch definition and pipe it into the project-scratch-def.json file.

Creating a complete package.xml from a source org

When migrating to an SFDX project, I find starting with a complete package.xml, and then trimming undesirable metadata elements until I have a working project is a good approach.

This addition to the hydrate tool will generate that complete package.xml.

Run the command:

$ sfdx hydrate:packagexml -u {username|alias} > package.xml

This will produce an XML string, and pipe it directly into the file called package.xml.

Optional Parameters

Parameter Description
-a, --api Set the API version of the packagexml file (Default is 42.0)
-c, --config Configuration file to help make pulling metadata more scriptable
-f, --formatxml Formats the xml output in an easier to read format
-q, --quickfilter CSV list of metadata types to filter

Non-config file example

$ sfdx hydrate:packagexml -u {username|alias} -f -a 40.0 -q Report,Dashboard > package.xml

An example config file is defined below. The "quickfilter" array lets you specify a list of metadata types that will be included in the output. You can have the xml output formatted by setting the "formatxml" to true.

Note: commandline parameters will override what is in the config file

        "quickfilter": ["Report",
$ sfdx hydrate:packagexml -u {username|alias} -c ./config.json > package.xml

Install as plugin

  1. Install plugin: sfdx plugins:install sfdx-hydrate

Install from source

  1. Install the SDFX CLI.

  2. Clone the repository: git clone git@github.com:loganm/sfdx-hydrate.git

  3. Install npm modules: npm install

  4. Link the plugin: sfdx plugins:link .


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at https://github.com/loganm/sfdx-hydrate. This project is intended to be a safe, welcoming space for collaboration, and contributors are expected to adhere to the Contributor Covenant code of conduct.