
Monorepo containing the spot text editor and an implementation of the m4 macro processor

Primary LanguageCISC LicenseISC

spot monorepo

Welcome to the spot monorepo where multiple cross-platform applications share code via toucanlib.

The applications are:

  • spot: The text editor,
  • m4: A POSIX compliant implementation of the m4 macro processor,
  • bc: A basic calculator, and
  • freq: Determines the character frequency in a file.

spot and m4 utilise the built-in regular expression module in toucanlib which understands the regex syntax listed in a later section.

toucanlib has a monolithic interface to make usage easy, but multiple modules to make maintenance easy. Currently, the modules include:

  • gen: Generic functions,
  • num: Number functions,
  • buf: Various buffers,
  • gb: Gap buffers,
  • eval: Evaluate arithmetic expression,
  • ht: Hash table,
  • regex: Regular expression,
  • curses: Curses (terminal graphics), and
  • fs: File system related functions.


This software is cross-platform and has been written in ANSI C with the minimum use of non-standard libraries. To install, edit one of the scripts below (depending upon your operating system) to set install_dir. Then simply run:

$ make
$ PREFIX="$HOME" make install
$ make clean


> nmake /F nMakefile
> set PREFIX=%HOMEDRIVE%%HOMEPATH%&& nmake /F nMakefile install
> nmake /F nMakefile clean

Make sure PREFIX/bin is included in your PATH.


spot is a cross-platform text editor that has been written in ANSI C with the minimum use of non-standard libraries.

It uses double-buffering to display flicker-free graphics without using any curses library.

Gap buffers are used to edit the text, which are very efficient for most operations. A nice balance has been achieved between optimisation, features, and code maintainability.

The region is the area between the cursor and the mark, with whichever appears first included in the region and whichever appears last excluded from the region. It is cleared by editing commands, and navigational commands are used to change its coverage.

The status bar displays ! if the last command failed, followed by * if the buffer has been modified. The filename associated with the buffer is presented next, followed by the current row and column number in brackets. The hex value of the char under the cursor (which may be in the command line) is displayed. Finally, the if the last command included a shell command which succeeded (the process terminated normally), then the exit status is displayed.

The command line is at the bottom of the window and is used for two-step commands that require user input. Most single-step commands work inside the command line.

The keybindings are listed below. ^a means pressing Ctrl plus a. ^[ is the Ctrl key plus [, but is also generated by pressing the Esc key. LK denotes the left key, and RK denotes the right key.

Keys Command
^b Left character
^f Right character
^p Up line
^n Down line
^d Delete character
^h Backspace character
^a Start of line
^e End of line
^2 Set mark
^g Clear mark, or exit command line
^l Centre cursor on the screen and redraw graphics
^w Cut region
^y Paste
^k Cut to end of line
^t Trim trailing white-space and remove non-printable chars
^s Exact forward search (moves cursor to start of the match)
^z Regex forward search (moves cursor to after the match)
^r Regex replace region *
^u Go to line number
^q Insert hex
^[ b Left word
^[ f Right word
^[ l Lowercase word
^[ u Uppercase word
^[ k Cut to start of line
^[ m Match bracket <>, [], {}, or ()
^[ n Repeat last search
^[ w Copy region
^[ ! Remove current gap buffer without saving ^
^[ = Rename gap buffer
^[ $ Insert shell command from the command line
^[ ` Insert shell command of logical line under the cursor +
^[ < Start of gap buffer
^[ > End of gap buffer
^x ^c Close editor without saving any buffers
^x ^s Save the current buffer only
^x ^f New gap buffer
^x i Insert file
^x LK Move left one gap buffer
^x RK Move right one gap buffer

+ The logical line under the cursor is formed by joining neighbouring lines that end in a backslash, to accommodate for long lines. These end-of-line backslashes are removed from the logical line, as are \n characters. 2>&1 is added to the end of the logical line, to capture stderr under most situations. If some stderr text comes through uncaptured, then it can be cleared by redrawing the screen (^l).

* Regex replace region syntax is _find_replace where the first character (in this example, _) is the delimiter. The anchors, ^ and $ are relative to the region, not the buffer.

^ Text editor will exit if it is the last gap buffer.


This version of m4 is cross-platform (runs natively) and complies to POSIX standard IEEE Std 1003.1-2017.

m4 is a general purpose macro processor. It performs text replacement, similar to the C preprocessor, although it is not tied to any specific language. It performs programmatic find-and-replace on text, but can also perform other tasks, such as executing shell commands.


m4 [-s] [-D macro_name[=macro_def]] ... [-U macro_name] ... file ...


  • -s prints #line directive for the C preprocessor.
  • -D defines the macro specified in the next argument, with optionally, the macro's definition given after a separating = character.
  • -U undefines the macro name specified in the next argument.
  • file is a list of regular files, with - denoting stdin. If no files are specified, then stdin is read by default.

How m4 works

m4 has two classes of macros; built-in macros and user-defined macros. Built-in macros are written in C and can only be added or modified by editing the source code and recompiling. However you can undefine (remove) them and you can make renamed copies of them that behave exactly the same. If you undefine a built-in macro (and you don't have a renamed copy), then you cannot get it back.

User-defined macros are written in the m4 language and are added using the define macro.

m4 reads word-by-word from a centralised input buffer. If you are not in a comment and quote mode is not activated, then each word is looked up in a hash table to see if it is the name of a macro. If it is then the macro is pushed onto the stack. If the macro takes arguments, then these will be collected. When the macro is finished, for user-defined macros, the arguments are substituted into the placeholders in the macro definition and then the resultant text is pushed back into the input. Built-in macros usually perform some other operation on the arguments, and some of them also push the result back into the input.

Nested macro calls are handled by the macro call stack. While collecting the arguments of one macro, another macro may be encountered. m4 deals with macros immediately. It will add the new macro to the stack and start collecting its arguments. Only once processing of the inner macro is done, will execution return to the outer macro. The inner macro may push its result back into the input which will then be read and rechecked for macros, until eventually the text has been fully expanded and ends up in the argument collection of the outer macro. This gives m4 its powerful recursive nature, but also makes it confusing for beginners.

m4 also has flexible output. At any given time the output is either the argument collection of a macro, or one of the eleven different diversions (output buffers). Diversion -1 is discarded and is useful when defining a lot of macros. Diversion 0 is regularly flushed to stdout and is the default. Diversions 1 to 9 are temporary storage. Diversions 1 to 9 can be written to file, which is very useful when writing dynamic code (this is an extension to the POSIX standard). They can also be undiverted into each other and will all be flushed to stdout if the program exits without error.

m4 uses quotes to suppress the expansion of macros by passing words directly to the output. Quotes can be nested. When entering quote mode the left quote is eaten, and when exiting quote mode the right quote is eaten, but quotes in-between are retained. Due to the recursive nature of m4, text is often evaluated multiple times, and each time the outer layer of quotes will be striped.

m4 only checks for macros when reading from the input in non-quote mode. During argument collection, quote mode prevents commas from being interpreted as argument separators (as do added parentheses). Once argument collection is finished, quotes have no effect on the substitution of collected arguments into their placeholders, this will occur irrespective of the depth of quotation.


In the example below, the quotes are changed to [ and ]. Then a new macro called world is created with a defining text of cool. world is then shown to expand to cool, as expected.

changequote([, ])

define(world, cool)

define(x, [[hello $1]])

User-def: x: [hello $1]

hello world

It superficially looks like x is defined as [[hello $1]], however, as [[hello $1]] is read from the input, quote mode is entered and exited, stripping off the outer layer of quotes. As shown by dumpdef, x is actually defined with a single layer of quotes, [hello $1].

x is called with what appears like an argument of [world]. However, as [world] is read from the input, quote mode is entered and exited, stripping off the quotes, resulting in a gathered argument of world (which was not looked up in the hash table due to the quote mode).

The argument, world is substituted into the placeholder $1, interestingly, unaffected by the quotes in the definition! The result, [hello world], (which cannot be viewed directly) is pushed back into the input. When this is re-read, quote mode is entered and exited again, stripping off the quotes and preventing world from being expanded, leaving the output as simply hello world.

Quoting the input to x and the output from x gave no opportunity for world to expand to cool.

I strongly recommend learning m4. For a small investment in learning it provides a powerful tool that is free from a lot of the limitations imposed by many programming languages.

Built-in macros

I will now introduce the built-in macros. All built-in macros that require arguments exhibit pass-through, whereby the macro name is simply printed to the output when it is called without arguments.

changequote[(left_quote, right_quote)]

Sets the left and right quote strings. Please note that they should be different, non-empty strings that should only contain graph, non-comma, non-parentheses characters, in order to function in a nice way with the m4 design. It is normally a good idea to pick strings that are not a commonly used in any downstream programming language, such as <[ and ]>. When called without arguments, the default quotes of backtick and apostrophe are restored.

changecom[(left_comment[, right_comment])]

changecom changes the default left and right comment strings from # and the newline to the ones specified. If called with only one argument, then the right comment string defaults to the newline. When called without any arguments, then comments are disabled. Text inside comments, and the comments themselves, are passed though to the output. No interpretation is performed on text within comments, besides checking for the right comment string to know when to exit the comment.

define(macro_name, macro_def)

define creates a new user-defined macro (if it does not already exist), or updates the current history of an existing macro, retaining any prior history that may exist (but not-preserving the current history).

If the current history is a built-in macro, then it will still be updated, but the ability to bring back the built-in nature will be lost (unless you have another copy).

You can make a renamed copy of a built-in macro, which then acts exactly the same as an orginal built-in macro. To do this you need to used defn, for example:

define(x, defn(`m4exit'))

Built-in: x[(exit_value)]


This also works with pushdef.

Please note that quotes are usually wanted when replacing a macro, as otherwise the macro will expand during argument collection, prior to the define macro being executed.

Macro names must start with an alpha character or underscore followed by none or more alpha, digit or underscore characters.

The macro definition is the text that the macro will expand into. It can take argument placeholders, $0 to $9. $0 is the macro name. $1 to $9 are the arguments collected when the macro is called. A macro can take any number of arguments, but only the first 9 can be referenced individually. $# expands to the number of collected arguments, and $* to a comma-separated list of all collected arguments, and $@ to individually quotes, comma-separated list of all collected arguments.

pushdef(macro_name, macro_def)

pushdef acts like define, except that if the macro already exists, then the new definition will be stacked onto the history stack for that macro. The current history will be preserved, and will become the macro definition immediately below the new definition in the history stack.

pushdef can be used to make a renamed copy of a built-in macro by using defn (this also works with user-defined macros).

pushdef(x, defn(`divnum'))


defn is often used to make a renamed copy of a macro. For user-defined macros it pushes the quoted definition into the input. For built-in macros, it passes back the C function pointer (its definition) to the parent macro, but only when it aligns to the second argument of define or pushdef (or renamed copies of these).


divert changes the active diversion. m4 commences in diversion 0, which is regularly flushed to stdout. Diversion -1 is discarded, and is often used when defining multiple macros, as the remaining newline characters are typically not wanted in the output.


divnum pushes the active diversion number into the input.


dnl deletes up to (and including) the next newline character. Often used for single-line comments that you do not want to see in the output, or for removing the newline character after a macro definition.

dumpdef[(macro_name[, ... ])]

dumpdef prints the definition of the macros specified as arguments (which should be quoted) to stderr. Useful as a help command, as it gives the usage syntax for built-in macros. It lists all macros when called without arguments, which is very useful when debugging.


This is an extension to the POSIX standard. It causes m4 to exit upon the first user-related error.


This is an extension to the POSIX standard. It causes m4 to continue execution even when user-related errors occur. This is the default mode, and the expected behaviour under the POSIX standard.


This is an extension to the POSIX standard. warnerr treats warnings as errors, which will then be affected by errexit and errok.


This is an extension to the POSIX standard. warnok makes warnings not to be teated as errors. This is the default mode, and the expected behaviour under the POSIX standard.

traceon[(macro_name[, ... ])]

Prints to stderr the location in the input file, the name of macro, and the macro stack depth after they are invoked. This is at the beginning of argument collection, not at the end when the macro is executed. The benefit in tracing the macros this way, is that they appear in the same order as they do in the source code, making debugging easier.

When called without arguments, then all of the existing macros are added to the trace list (which is implemented as a separate hash table). When called with arguments, then those specified macro names are added to the trace list. Please note that to add a name to the trace list, the name must be a valid macro name, but the macro need not exist. The list operates purely on the text of the macro name, and hence, renaming macros does not inherit the tracing status.

New macro names created after traceon called without arguments are not automatically added, but traceon can be called again to add them.

traceoff[(macro_name[, ... ])]

When called without arguments, traceoff, clears the trace list and turns off the tracing mechanism. When called with arguments, if tracing is on, then the specified names are removed from the trace list (if tracing is off, then there is no need to remove them as the list is cleared anyway).


errprint prints a message to stderr.


syscmd runs an operating system specific shell command. Nothing is returned (pushed back into the input). No redirection of standard streams is performed.


esyscmd runs an operating system specific shell command and reads the stdout of that command into the input.

eval(arithmetic_expression[, base, pad, verbose])

eval evaluates an arithmetic expression. Works with signed long integers. The default base is 10, but the base used to display the result can be specified. pad adds leading zeros to display the result with a minimum width. If verbose is 1, then the postfix form of the expression is printed to stderr.

eval interprets numbers starting with 0x as hexadecimal and numbers commencing with 0 as octal. For example:

eval(0xF - 010)
eval(0xBEEF + 0xCAFE)

The table below lists the operators (and parentheses) that are understood by eval, along with their properties.

Operator Description Precedence Number of operands Associativity
( Left parenthesis 12 0 N/A
) Right parenthesis 12 0 N/A
+ve Positive 11 1 Right
-ve Negative 11 1 Right
~ Bitwise complement 11 1 Right
! Logical negation 11 1 Right
** Exponentiation 10 2 Right
* Multiplication 9 2 Left
/ Division 9 2 Left
% Modulo 9 2 Left
+ Addition 8 2 Left
- Subtraction 8 2 Left
<< Bitwise left shift 7 2 Left
>> Bitwise right shift 7 2 Left
< Less than 6 2 Left
<= Less than or equal 6 2 Left
> Greater than 6 2 Left
>= Greater than or equal 6 2 Left
== Equal 5 2 Left
!= Not equal 5 2 Left
& Bitwise AND 4 2 Left
^ Bitwise XOR 3 2 Left
| Bitwise OR 2 2 Left
&& Logical AND 1 2 Left
|| Logical OR 0 2 Left
ifdef(macro_name, when_defined[, when_undefined])

ifdef checks to see if the first argument is a macro, and if so, pushes the second argument back into the input. Otherwise, the third argument (if present) is pushed back into the input. The macro name should be quoted to prevent it from expanding during argument collection. Also, importantly, macros will be expanded and processed immediately during argument collection, before the branch in logic. So, the second and third arguments should also be quoted.

For example, in the code below, x is defined, so we are expecting the result of great. However, surprisingly, y is defined as 10 during argument collection (as quotes were not used), even through this was not the logical branch taken at the final execution of the macro.

define(x, cool)

ifdef(`x', great, define(y, 10))
ifelse(switch, case_a, when_a[, case_b, when_b, ... ][, default])

ifelse is like a switch statement in C. The first argument is the str that is compared against the 2, 4, 6, ... arguments, and upon the first match the next argument is pushed back into the input. Finally, if there is no match, then the default argument (the last argument, if present) is pushed back into the input.

Remember that arguments will be expanded and processed during argument collection, which occurs before the branch in logic. So, it is a good idea to quote arguments; 3, 5, 7, ... and the last argument.

shift(arg1[, ... ])

shift returns (pushes into the input) a comma-separated list of individually quoted arguments, excluding the first argument.


include pushes the contents of a file into the input. Macros will be processed.


sinclude is a silent version of include, that does not generate an error or warning if the file cannot be opened.


incr increments a number. The result is pushed into the input.


decr decrements a number. The result is pushed into the input.


len pushes the string length of its first argument into the input.

index(big_str, small_str)

index returns the starting offset of where small_str is found inside big_str. Offsets commence from zero. If there is no match, then -1 is returned (pushed into the input).

substr(str, start_index[, size])

substr returns (pushes to the input) a portion of str commencing from start_index and continuing for size characters, or until the end of str, if size is not specified. Indices commence from zero.

translit(str, from_chars, to_chars)

translit performs character-wise replace on str and pushes the result into the input. A mapping of from_chars to to_chars is internally created in order to perform the replacement. Each specified character in from_chars is swapped to the corresponding character in to_chars. If from_chars is longer than to_chars, then the characters without partners will be deleted.

If the same character appears multiple times in the from_chars, then the first appearance takes precedence (permitted, but unspecified by the POSIX standard).

Ranges can be specified in the from_chars and the to_chars by using a - between two characters. These ranges are logically expanded before the mapping alignment is performed, meaning that the ranges do not need to be of the same size. Ranges can also be descending, that is the starting character can have a higher ASCII value than the ending character. The start and end characters are included in the range. Ranges are permitted, but unspecified by the POSIX standard.


m4wrap stores code to be pushed into the input when EOF is reached (before the diversions are automatically undiverted). This code will then be evaluated as normal. Code will be evaluated in chronological order if m4wrap was called multiple times. This is useful for performing clean up.


This is an extension to the POSIX standard. lsdir inserts a directory listing, with a line of hyphens separating the directories (shown first) from the files (shown second). If no argument is supplied, then the current working directory is used.


m4exit allows the user to request early termination of m4, specifying the desired exit value in the first argument. The requested value must be between zero and UCHAR_MAX, inclusive. If called without arguments, then zero is the default value. Please note that a requested return value of zero will be overwritten if any errors occurred at any time during the operation of m4. However, if the macro is called successfully, then a non-zero requested return value will be used as the final return value of m4, regardless of other errors.

m4exit causes immediate termination, m4wrap is not performed and the diversions are not undiverted.


This is an extension to the POSIX standard. recrm recursively removes a path if it exists. Any sub-file or sub-directories will be deleted along with the specified path itself.

regexrep(text, regex_find, replace[, newline_insensitive, verbose])

This is an extension to the POSIX standard. regexrep searches text for a regex pattern and replaces the matches. If the fourth argument is 1, then newline insensitive matching occurs. If verbose is 1, then the posfix form of the expression and the nondeterministic finite automaton (NFA) structure are printed to stderr.

See the regex syntax for more details.


sysval pushes the return value of the last shell command run via syscmd or esyscmd into the input.


This is an extension to the POSIX standard. tnl trims trailing newline characters from the end of the first argument. This is useful in conjunction with esyscmd as trailing newline characters are not stripped, as users are normally accustomed to with POSIX sh command substitution.

For example, in the code below, tnl eats the trailing newline from the shell command, preventing the sentence from being broken.

My name is esyscmd(whoami), hello!
My name is logan
, hello!
My name is tnl(esyscmd(whoami)), hello!
My name is logan, hello!

undefine removes a macro and all of it history stack. Normally you should quote the macro name to prevent it from expanding into its definition during argument collection. Built-in macros cannot be retrieved once undefined, unless you have previously made a renamed copy of them.

In the example below, define and x (via its inheritance) do not need to be quoted when "called" without arguments, as they exhibit pass-through behaviour (only certain built-in macro do this). The example clones define to x, deletes define, then restores it from x.

define(x, defn(define))


Undefined: define

x(define, defn(x))

Built-in: define(macro_name, macro_def)


popdef removes the current history from the history stack, making the new macro what the prior history was. If there was no prior history, then popdef has the same effect as undefine. You will normally want to quote the macro name.


undivert appends the contents of a diversion or file onto the current active diversion. Undiverted diversions are emptied. A diversion cannot be undiverted into itself, and diversion -1 cannot be undiverted (as it is discarded). It is important to note that no processing occurs during this, macros are not expanded. If an argument contains any non-digit characters, then it will be treated as a filename (this is allowed, but unspecified by the POSIX standard).

writediv(div_num, filename[, append])

This is an extension to the POSIX standard. writediv empties the specified diversion to file. It creates missing directories in the file path. If append is 1, then it will append to the end of the file, otherwise the file will be overwritten.

This macro is very useful for writing dynamic code. The code can be crafted into a diversion, then that diversion can be written to file using writediv, and then the file can be executed using esyscmd.


maketemp replaces the trailing X's in templateXXXXXX with the pid of the current process, and pushes the result back into the input. It does not check if a file with that name already exists, and it does not create a file. It is depreciated and should not be used.


mkstemp replaces the trailing X's in templateXXXXXX with random characters and creates and closes a file by that name, pushing the resultant filename into the input. Where available, this is done by calling the C function mkstemp from <stdlib.h>.


bc is a cross-platform basic calculator. It reads from stdin and works with signed long integers. See the m4 built-in macro eval above for more details.


freq determines the character frequency in a file. Non-graph characters are displayed using their hex value. A character and its count are separated by a space, and only characters present in the file are reported.


freq file

Regex syntax

Regular expression syntax:

  • Special escaped characters (interpreted in all contexts):
    • \t Tab.
    • \n Line feed.
    • \r Carriage return.
    • \0 Null character.
    • \xAA Two digit hex value.
  • Non-special escape characters. Interpretation is deactivated inside character sets:
    • \c Any other character, c, is interpreted literally.
  • [^a-b] Character set.
  • ( and ) Grouping.
  • Anchors. These work line-wise when in newline sensitive mode, otherwise they work at the entire text level (uninfluenced by embedded '\n' characters):
    • ^ Start of line.
    • $ End of line.
  • Repetition operators:
    • * Zero or more.
    • + One or more.
    • ? Zero or one.
  • | Alternate.
  • . Any character, except \n when in newline sensitive mode.

Escaped Characters

All escaped characters work in both the find and replace components of a regular expression replacement operation. Typically, escape sequences are deactivated inside character sets, with the exception of the special escaped characters mentioned above.

For example, [\x41-\x5A] will be the character set containing characters A to Z, inclusively. Whereas, [\*] will be the character set containing the characters \ and *.

Character sets

  • Most characters are treated literally inside a character set (see the escaped character rules above).
  • ^ immediately after the opening [ negates the set and is not considered as a character.
  • - between characters creates an inclusive range.
  • Characters sets cannot be empty.
  • The first character is always treated literally, so [^]] is the set of all characters except for ].
  • As an example, [][^\%-] is the set containing the characters; ], [, ^, \, %, and -.

Enjoy, Logan =)_