Toolchain Docker image

Based on the Trimui toolchain Docker image by neonloop.


With Docker installed and running, make shell builds the toolchain and drops into a shell inside the container. The container's ~/workspace is bound to ./workspace by default. The toolchain is located at /opt/ inside the container.

After building the first time, unless a dependency of the image has changed, make shell will skip building and drop into the shell. Running make shell from another window while already in a running shell will attach to the already running image.


  • On your host machine, clone repositories into ./workspace and make changes as usual.
  • In the container shell, find the repository in ~/workspace and build as usual.

See for some useful vars for compiling that are exported automatically.

Docker for Mac

Docker for Mac has a memory limit that can make the toolchain build fail. Follow these instructions to increase the memory limit. Also, docker on the M1 currently has a bug that stops reporting build progress after 5 minutes or so. The initial build takes about 15 minutes on my M1 so just be patient once you see [output clipped, log limit 1MiB reached], it should get there.