This is the API for Jobs-R-Us
This API is made using Node.js, Express, Mocha and Supertest, and the database used is PostgreSql.
It's online using Heroku and Heroku Database!
Future implementations will include a DELETE method and the ability to GET retrieve a job by ID.
With this API users have the ability to either upload a job or view uploaded jobs. In the near future there will be a later release with a DELETE request and the ability to get jobs with the given ID.
The link for the API is-
There are two methods for the endpoint. GET and POST.
GET request data comes in a JSON format. The format looks like: { id: (this is a number), title: jobs.title (this is text for the job title), company: (this is text), salary_range: jobs.salary_range (this is text), description: jobs.description (this is text), link: (this is also text), };
If you just map over the data and call their respective values it'll do the trick!
The POST request accepts data in JSON format.
The title, company, description, and link are all required for the database.
The content-type should equal application/json
For a great example of how to POST jobs and GET jobs please see Jobs R' Us Website
Here is the Jobs R' Us code- GitHub Code So you don't have to search in all the code- GET Request POST Request