#Inflector Plugin for Grails
This plugin provides a set of simple tags to simplify common text inflections. The most common case is the ability to pluralize and singularize words.
The plugin makes it easy to say 'Currently Logged In: 2 Users' vs. 'Currently Logged In: 1 User'.
It uses the Inflector class from the JBoss Modeshape library, which is in turn based on the Ruby Inflector.rb.
##Tags The tags contained are as follows:
###Pluralize Gives the plural of words
<inf:pluralize>Chicken</inf:pluralize> -> Chickens
Pluralize also takes a count, so
<inf:pluralize count="1">Chicken</inf:pluralize> -> Chicken
<inf:pluralize count="2">Chicken</inf:pluralize> -> Chickens
The opposite of pluralize.
<inf:singularize>Chickens</inf:singularize> -> Chicken
##Providing your own rules
You can provide your own singulars and plurals by adding them to the Inflector singleton.
For example, adding the following in your bootstrap file:
Inflector.instance.addPluralize('(heroku)$', '$1Rocks');
would then enable you to call:
<inf:pluralize>heroku</inf:pluralize> -> herokuRocks
similarly, you can also add singular matches:
Inflector.instance.addSingularize("CloudFoundry$", "$1Sucks");
For more examples, look at the Inflector.java file found under the src/java
##Additional Tags:
The plugin also provides the following additional tags:
###camelCase Converts strings to lower Camel Case.
###underscore Makes an underscored form from the expression in the string
###capitalize Returns a copy of the input with the first character converted to uppercase and the remainder to lowercase.
###humanize Capitalizes the first word and turns underscores into spaces and strips trailing "_id" and any supplied removable tokens.
###titleCase Capitalizes all the words and replaces some characters in the string to create a nicer looking title. Underscores are changed to spaces, a trailing "_id" is removed
###ordinalize Turns a non-negative number into an ordinal string used to denote the position in an ordered sequence, such as 1st, 2nd,3rd, 4th.
##Using additional tags
To use them, simply call the tag with the string to be transformed in the body.
For example,
<inf:ordinalize>2</inf:ordinalize> => 2nd