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ASP.NET Core Identity is designed to enable us to easily use a number of different storage providers for our ASP.NET applications. We can use the supplied identity providers that are included with the .NET Framework, or we can implement our own providers. In this tutorial, we will build a Token-Based Authentication using ASP.NET Core Identity , ASP.NET Core Web API and Angular With Token-Based Authentication, the client application is not dependent on a specific authentication mechanism. The token is generated by the server and the Web API have some APIs to understand, validate the token and perform the authentication. This approach provides Loose Coupling between client and the Web API. this toturial is not for beginners, to follow it, you must understand Angular2 and Asp.NET REST Services
Compared to unit testing, Integration testing gives us a better return on test investment. Nowadays, we have a lot of tools to set it up easily, and it can go faster and gives us more confidence with code we have changing knowing we have not breaking existing functionalities. It can help us to catch regression errors, before we deploy to a test environment, and fewer bugs in new features, resulting Higher velocity and higher quality solution Unit testing test behaviour of a class and drive its implementation, run in memory and mocks the Data Access Laywer while Integration testing test the entire system and focus on interactions between many classes, uses the real database and test the Data Access Laywer and its value is to catch regressions. So Integration testing may catch errors that passes on unit testing In my previous tutorial , Asp.Net Core Web Api Integration testing using InMemory EntityFrameworkCore Sqlite and XUnit2 I used SqlLite InMemory Note : InMemory is not a relational database. It is designed to be a general purpose database for testing, and is not designed to mimic a relational database. So it will allow us to save data that would violate referential integrity constraints in a relational database. In this tutorial, I will talk about Asp.Net Web Api Core Integration testing using EntityFrameworkCore LocalDB and Xunit2 So lets go ahead and implement some integration tests for the solution discussed on this tutorial Token Based Authentication using Asp.net Web Api Core Lets start and create a XUnit Test Project using Visual Studio 2017
ASP.NET Core Identity is designed to enable us to easily use a number of different storage providers for our ASP.NET applications. We can use the supplied Identity providers that are included with the .NET Framework, or we can implement your own providers. There are two primary reasons for creating a custom Identity provider. We need to store Identity information in a data source that is not supported by the Identity providers included with the .NET Framework, such as a MysQL database, an Oracle database, or other data sources. We need to manage Identity information using a database schema that is different from the database schema used by the providers that ship with the .NET Framework. A common example of this would be to use authentication data that already exists in a SQL Server database for a company or Web site. In this tutorial, we are going to implement and configure a custom Identity Provider using ASP.NET MVC Core and IndentityCore
Building microservices through Event Driven Architecture
Real time data processing using Asp.net Web Api, TPL Dataflow, SignalR and AngularJS
Using Token Based Authentication, the client application is not dependent on a specific authentication mechanism. The token is generated by the server if the user is authenticated. So to acces a specific ressource, the client must include the generated token in the header of subsequent requests and the Web API Server have some APIs to understand, validate the token and perform the autorizationfic authentication mechanism. The token is generated by the server if the user is authenticated. So to acces a specific ressource, the client must include the generated token in the header of subsequent requests and the Web API Server have some APIs to understand, validate the token and perform the autorization This approach provides Loose Coupling between client and the Web API. In my previous tutorial Angular JS Token-based Authentication using Asp.net Identity and Asp.net web API I have build an authentication server using a oAuth Bearer Token. In this tutorial, I will use JSON Web Token (JWT) , for more information about JWT please take a look at https://jwt.io/ JWT enable us to securely transfer data between server and client .
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ASP.NET Core Identity is designed to enable us to easily use a number of different storage providers for our ASP.NET applications. We can use the supplied Identity providers that are included with the .NET Framework, or we can implement your own providers. There are two primary reasons for creating a custom Identity provider. We need to store Identity information in a data source that is not supported by the Identity providers included with the .NET Framework, such as a MysQL database, an Oracle database, or other data sources. We need to manage Identity information using a database schema that is different from the database schema used by the providers that ship with the .NET Framework. A common example of this would be to use authentication data that already exists in a SQL Server database for a company or Web site. In this tutorial, we are going to implement and configure a custom Identity Provider using ASP.NET MVC Core and IndentityCore
Using Token Based Authentication, the client application is not dependent on a specific authentication mechanism. The token is generated by the server if the user is authenticated. So to acces a specific ressource, the client must include the generated token in the header of subsequent requests and the Web API Server have some APIs to understand, validate the token and perform the autorizationfic authentication mechanism. The token is generated by the server if the user is authenticated. So to acces a specific ressource, the client must include the generated token in the header of subsequent requests and the Web API Server have some APIs to understand, validate the token and perform the autorization This approach provides Loose Coupling between client and the Web API. In my previous tutorial Angular JS Token-based Authentication using Asp.net Identity and Asp.net web API I have build an authentication server using a oAuth Bearer Token. In this tutorial, I will use JSON Web Token (JWT) , for more information about JWT please take a look at https://jwt.io/ JWT enable us to securely transfer data between server and client .
Building microservices through Event Driven Architecture
Compared to unit testing, Integration testing gives us a better return on test investment. Nowadays, we have a lot of tools to set it up easily, and it can go faster and gives us more confidence with code we have changing knowing we have not breaking existing functionalities. It can help us to catch regression errors, before we deploy to a test environment, and fewer bugs in new features, resulting Higher velocity and higher quality solution Unit testing test behaviour of a class and drive its implementation, run in memory and mocks the Data Access Laywer while Integration testing test the entire system and focus on interactions between many classes, uses the real database and test the Data Access Laywer and its value is to catch regressions. So Integration testing may catch errors that passes on unit testing In my previous tutorial , Asp.Net Core Web Api Integration testing using InMemory EntityFrameworkCore Sqlite and XUnit2 I used SqlLite InMemory Note : InMemory is not a relational database. It is designed to be a general purpose database for testing, and is not designed to mimic a relational database. So it will allow us to save data that would violate referential integrity constraints in a relational database. In this tutorial, I will talk about Asp.Net Web Api Core Integration testing using EntityFrameworkCore LocalDB and Xunit2 So lets go ahead and implement some integration tests for the solution discussed on this tutorial Token Based Authentication using Asp.net Web Api Core Lets start and create a XUnit Test Project using Visual Studio 2017
Using Token Based Authentication, clients are not dependent on a specific authentication mechanism. A token is generated by the server if the user is authenticated and send it back to the user. So to acces a specific ressource, the client must include the generated token in the header of subsequent requests and the Web API Server have some APIs to understand, validate the token and perform the autorization
Compared to unit testing, Integration testing gives us a better return on test investment. Nowadays, we have a lot of tools to set it up easily, and it can go faster and give us more confidence with code we have changing knowing we have not breaking existing functionalities. It can help us to catch regression errors, before we deploy to a test environment, and fewer bugs in new features, resulting Higher velocity and higher quality solution Unit testing test behaviour of a class and drive its implementation, run in memory and mocks the Data Acces Laywer while Integration testing test the entire system and focus on interactions between many classes, uses the real database and test the Data Acces Laywer and its value is to catch regressions. So Integration testing may catch errors that passes on unit testing In this tutorial, I will talk about Asp.Net Web Api Core Integration testing using InMemory EntityFrameworkCore Sqlite and Xunit2
PayPal is an online payment service that allows you to pay for purchases, receive payments, or to send and receive money. To receive these services, a person must submit various financial details to PayPal, such as credit card number, transmission can be done by mail. Thereafter, transactions are conducted without having to disclose financial details, an email address and a password is sufficient.
ASP.NET Core Identity is designed to enable us to easily use a number of different storage providers for our ASP.NET applications. We can use the supplied identity providers that are included with the .NET Framework, or we can implement our own providers. In this tutorial, we will build a Token-Based Authentication using ASP.NET Core Identity , ASP.NET Core Web API and Angular With Token-Based Authentication, the client application is not dependent on a specific authentication mechanism. The token is generated by the server and the Web API have some APIs to understand, validate the token and perform the authentication. This approach provides Loose Coupling between client and the Web API.
Cross-platform .NET sample microservices and container based application that runs on Linux Windows and macOS. Powered by .NET Core 3.0, Docker Containers and Azure Kubernetes Services. Supports Visual Studio, VS for Mac and CLI based environments with Docker CLI, dotnet CLI, VS Code or any other code editor.
Azure AD B2C application integration samples.
Code used in Microsoft Learn modules to support Azure DevOps
Tailwind Traders Backend Services
Tailwind Traders Website
Using Selenium and Specflow