
LogDNA NXLog Configuration

MIT LicenseMIT

LogDNA NXLog Windows Configuration

Use our NXLog configuration to get Windows logs into LogDNA securely, quickly, and reliably.

How to Use

Follow the steps to use NXLog for forwarding your Windows logs to LogDNA:

Install NXLog

  • Install NXLog Community Edition from here, or
  • Run choco install -y nxlog on PowerShell (make sure choco has been installed before running this command)

Copy LogDNA NXLog Configuration

  • Copy nxlog.conf to $NXLOGDIR\conf\nxlog.conf where NXLOGDIR is the directory where nxlog is installed in
  • Modify nxlog.conf as described below:
    • Make sure to replace CUSTOM_PORT on line 84 with a provisioned custom port which can be obtained in the account-tailored add a log source instructions
    • Windows Event Logging is captured here:
      • Uncomment the lines to enable logging from the specified channels
      • Comment out the lines to disable logging from the specified channels
      • Add custom channels to enable logging from into the same Query block
    • Windows File Logging is capture here:
      • Update log directory where to stream logs from log files located in line 48
      • Update log files to stream logs from in line 52
    • All input, processor, and output channels are connected in route block:
      • Comment out the whole block and remove from the route to disable logging from specific input channel
      • Add new input modules with unique names to be added to the route to enable logging from new sources

Download LogDNA SSL Certificate Authority File

  • Download ld-root-ca.crt from here to $NXLOGDIR\cert\ca.pem, or
  • Run the following PowerShell script:
$url = "https://assets.logdna.com/rootca/ld-root-ca.crt"
$output = "$NXLOGDIR\cert\ca.pem"

(New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadFile($url, $output)

Start NXLog

  • Run nssm start nxlog on PowerShell to start NXLog
  • Run nssm restart nxlog on PowerShell to get new configurational changes applied
  • Run nssm stop nxlog on PowerShell to stop NXLog


Contributions are always welcome. See the contributing guide to learn how you can help. Build instructions for the agent are also in the guide.