
A simple wrapper around the GMail API without the unncessary complexity sorrounding it


This project was specifically build to cater the need of replying to mail threads in a smooth and efficient manner. This script exposes the very few key functions required to actually build a workable model for such mail threads.

The primary use case can be chalked down to mail campaigns where they wish subsequent mails to be delivered through the same thread.

It has been adequately tested, however any breaks/bugs can be reported

Installation of the project:

This project can be used through the use of jupyter notebooks or using python scripts.

For colab/ipynb, add the following lines before importing the script

import sys 
! {sys.executable} -m pip install google_api_python_client google_auth_oauthlib httplib2 oauth2client protobuf

For python installations, consider building a virtual environment

python3 -m pip install virtualenv
python3 -m venv . gmail_venv
curl "" --output requirements.txt
python3 -m pip install -r requirements.txt

For anaconda installations, consider building a virtual environment this way

conda create -n gmail_venv
conda activate gmail_venv
curl "" --output requirements.txt
python3 -m pip install -r requirements.txt

Copy the main script to your (For python/anaconda installations) machine

curl "" --output

Copy the main script to (Jupyter/Colab) your locale

!curl "" --output

Generating a token:

From google console, create a new OAuth2 ID and download the file as client.json Create a blank new file called token.json

Run this code on your system:

import irene
irene.get_client('client.json' , 'token.json')

It should open your default web browser and ask you to sign in with the google credentials of your preferred EMail.
Note:: This EMail ID must be the one you wish to send mails from.

Also, after the login, the script could crash as observed a few times. This is okay as the token file has been generated.

In the downloaded script, also modify the variable GLOBAL_SENDER to whatever Google Mail you have logged in from.

Using the project:

Make appropriate modifications to the below test case

import irene

##Setup your EMail ID as the sender
irene.GLOBAL_SENDER = ""

##Setup client credentials
irene.get_client(token =  'token.json' )

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np  
df = pd.read_csv('data.csv')            ##Make sure columns count, threadId, msgId exist in the CSV, even if they are filled blank

SUBJECT_TEXT = "Billing for {name} on {date}"

BODY_TEXT = """\
Hello {name},

Hope you are having a good day.

Please find your billing token {token_billing} attached for the shipment to {cust_address}

John Smith and Jade Smith Inc.
+0 123 456 7890

#Converted using
BODY_HTML = """\
<div>Hello&nbsp;{name},<br><br>Hope&nbsp;you&nbsp;are&nbsp;having&nbsp;a&nbsp;good&nbsp;day.<br><br>Please find your billing token {token_billing} attached for the shipment to {cust_address}<br><br>Regards,<br>John Smith and Jade Smith Inc.<br>+0 123 456 7890</div>

##Alternatively you can also use the function irene.doc_to_html 
#BODY_HTML = irene.doc_to_html('file.docx')

df['count'] = df['count'].fillna(0)     ##Assigns a value of 0 for any rows with count being blank

for _idx , row in df.iterrows():

    msgId = irene.nan_to_None(row['msgId'])         ##nan_to_None is a safety function
    threadId = irene.nan_to_None(row['threadId'])

    safeRow = irene.SafeDict(row)           ##SafeDict is a failsafe and must be used for string formatting
    subject = SUBJECT_TEXT.format_map(safeRow)
    body = BODY_HTML.format_map(safeRow)        ##Note this should be in HTML format

    response = irene.send_mail( to = "" , body_html = body ,                               #to and body are compulsory arguments
                                cc = ['' , '' ] , subject = subject ,              ##cc and subject are not mandatory
                                msgId =  msgId, threadId = threadId , 
                                attachment = None,                                                      ##attach a file/url
                                a_type = None                                                           ##Use 'file' if attachment is a file, 
                                                                                                        ##else 'url' if it is a URL

    row['count'] +=1 
    row['msgId' ]  = response['id']
    row['threadId'] = response['threadId']

df.to_csv('data.csv')   ##Saving the dataframe for next use