Was working with bootstrap and html5-boilerplate. Its not that tough to use these two togather. But to save some time, i tried to search for a already available boilerplate. But whatever came on first place, didn't quite the thing i was expecting. To me, that was kinda klingon stuff for wanna-be-nerd people. So thought about coming with a simple solution which is as simple as it need to be and will be easy-to-use for both wanna-be-nerd and already-nerd people.
Nuff Said, lets get to work.
As you already know its a combination of html5-boilerlate and Bootstrap. So there isn't much to talk about. Lets take a look under the hood.
- [Normalize] (https://github.com/necolas/normalize.css) to keep stuff smooth everywhere.
The core bootstrap Stylesheet.bootstrap-theme.css
Bootstrap theme, comes with bootstrap 3.0.3.main.css
The main Stylesheet for the Site, Comes with html5-boilerplate.
jQuery 1.10.2, for the awesome power of jQuery.bootstrap.js
Bootstrap JS, Comes with bootstrap 3.0.3.modernizr-2.6.2.min.js
Modernizr, To handle the fools.plugin.js
For building jQuery plugin, Comes with html5-boilerplate.main.js
For your custom Javascript, Comes with html5-boilerplate.
- [
] (http://www.chromium.org/developers/design-documents/dns-prefetching) for DNS prefetching. - [
] (https://developers.facebook.com/docs/opengraph/getting-started) Open Graph Protocol. - [
] (https://dev.twitter.com/docs/cards) Twitter card. - [
Google Analytis
] (https://www.google.com/analytics/) The Great Big Analytical Stat for your site.
As its for Development, All the Stylesheet and Scripts of Bootstrap are included as non-minified version.
- Change
, if you are ready for production. - Change
- Change
Only if you didn't make any change(s) to bootstrap core files.
As you reading this, That mean you are pretty familier with HTML, CSS. Probably with bootstrap too. But to keep things clear, Lets take a look inside the jar.
This part of the bootplate came directly from html5-boilerplate. They have well written DOC with is a synonym of "Don't Waste Time".
- HTML — A guide to the default HTML.
- CSS — A guide to the default CSS.
- JavaScript — A guide to the default JavaScript.
- crossdomain.xml — An introduction to making use of crossdomain requests.
- [ Getting Started ] (http://getbootstrap.com/getting-started) Introduction To Bootstrap.
- [ CSS ] (http://getbootstrap.com/css) A Brief description of Bootstrap CSS.
- [ Components ] (http://getbootstrap.com/components) Bootstraps Component.
- [ Javascript ] (http://getbootstrap.com/javascript) Detailed Guide of Bootstrap JS.
Have something new to add? Have some new idea? Or Find any bug? Any Mistakes? Fork, Work on it and send me a pull request. If you can make it better, You are more then welcome.
- html5-boilerplate belongs to http://html5boilerplate.com/
- Bootstrap is a Copyrighted Twitter product
- Bootsplate is just a combination of Two already Developed product, Maintained by [ Oritro Ahmed ] (http://ioritro.com)
Bootsplace licensed under the MIT license