
Modeling quantum computing in Scala.

Primary LanguageScala

Quantum Computing in Scala

Modeling Quantum Computing concepts (Qbits, quantum state, circuits, gates, measurements, etc.) in Scala, taking advantage of the nice language features. A few simple examples, and Grover's algorithm are included.

Basic Concepts

Complex numbers

case class Complex(val re: Double, val im: Double)

Scala features that make the implementation elegant:

  • lazy val
lazy val conj = Complex(re, -im)
lazy val norm2 = re * re + im * im
  • unary operators
def unary_- = this * -1.0
  • implicit method
implicit def toImaginary(x: Double) = new {
  def i = new Complex(0.0, x)
  • implicit conversion
implicit def toComplex(x: Double) = new Complex(x, 0.0)


trait Labeled {
    val label: String
    override def toString = label

Tensor (similar to Scala's Tuple2):

case class Tensor[+L1 <: Labeled, +L2 <: Labeled](_1: L1, _2: L2) extends Labeled {
    val label = _1.label + "," + _2.label

Symbols and Words

Symbols or letters represent the units of information:

abstract class Symbol extends Labeled
  • spin
// Sign { |+>, |-> }
abstract sealed class Sign(val label: String) extends Symbol
case object S_+ extends Sign("+")
case object S_- extends Sign("-")
  • polarization
// H-V polarization
abstract sealed class Polarization(val label: String) extends Symbol
case object Horizontal extends Polarization("H")
case object Vertical extends Polarization("V")
  • binary
// Standard { |0>, |1> }
abstract sealed class Std(val label: String) extends Symbol
case object S0 extends Std("0")
case object S1 extends Std("1")

Words (symbol strings) represent outcomes or final states:

case class Word[B <: Symbol](letters: List[B]) extends Labeled {
  val label = letters.map(_.label).mkString

Quantum Concepts

Quantum State

A mapping that associates a complex number (amplitude) to each possible outcome:

case class QState[A <: Labeled](state: (A, Complex)*)

If outcomes are repeated the amplitudes are combined:

// Collect like terms and sum their coefficients
private def collect: QState[A] = {
  QState(state.groupBy(_._1).toList.map {
    case (a, azs) => (a, azs.map(_._2).foldLeft(Complex.zero)(Complex.plus))
  }: _*)

Quantum state is monadic:

  • map
private def map[B <: Labeled](f: A => B): QState[B] = {
  QState(state.map { case (a, z) => (f(a), z) }: _*).collect
  • flatMap ( >>= )
def flatMap[B <: Labeled](f: A => QState[B]): QState[B] = {
  QState(state.flatMap { case (a, z) => f(a).mapV(_ * z).state }: _*).collect

private def mapV(f: Complex => Complex): QState[A] = {
  QState(state.map { case (a, z) => (a, f(z)) }: _*)
  • pure (single certain outcome)
def pure[A <: Labeled](a: A): QState[A] = new QState(a -> Complex.one)

Quantum state is collapsed into one of possible outcomes when measured.

case class Measurement[A <: Labeled, B](outcome: B, newState: QState[A])

In the most common case the new state is the pure representation of the outcome.

Products of quantum states:

  • inner ( <> )

// Inner product
def inner(that: QState[A]): Complex = {
  this.state.map { case (l, v) => v.conj * that(l) }.foldLeft(Complex.zero)(Complex.plus)
  • outer ( >< )

// Outer product
def outer[B <: Labeled](that: QState[B]): B => QState[A] = {
  (b: B) => this * that(b).conj
  • tensor

// Tensor product
def *[B <: Labeled](that: QState[B]): QState[Tensor[A, B]] = {
  for {
    x <- this
    y <- that
  } yield Tensor(x, y)

Some important states:

val rhalf: Complex = math.sqrt(0.5)

// Some pure states
val s0: QState[Std] = pure(S0)
val s1: QState[Std] = pure(S1)

val plus: QState[Std] = QState(S0 -> rhalf, S1 -> rhalf)
val minus: QState[Std] = QState(S0 -> rhalf, S1 -> -rhalf)

val s_+ = pure(S_+)
val s_- = pure(S_-)

Quantum Gates

A quantum gate represents a state transformation. It is enough to define it on the current basis.

class Gate[A, B <: Labeled](val f: A => QState[B])

A gate can be applied to a state:

def apply(s: QState[A with Labeled]) = s.flatMap(f)

Gates can be composed ( >=> )):

def >=>[C <: Labeled](g: B => QState[C]): A => QState[C] = (a: A) => f(a) >>= g

A gate is essentially a function:

implicit def functionToGate[A, B <: Labeled](f: A => QState[B]): Gate[A, B] = new Gate(f)
implicit def gateToFunction[A, B <: Labeled](op: Gate[A, B]): A => QState[B] = op.f

Some important gates:

  • Pauli X (NOT)

// NOT gate
val X: Gate[Std, Std] = (s1 >< s0) + (s0 >< s1)
  • Hadamard

// Hadamard gate
val H: Gate[Std, Std] = (plus >< s0) + (minus >< s1)

  • Pauli Z
// Phase flip gate
val Z: Gate[Std, Std] = (s0 >< s0) + (-s1 >< s1)

An integer function can be represented as a gate:

// Implementation of a integer function as a quantum gate
def U(f: Int => Int): Tensor[Word[Std], Word[Std]] => QState[Tensor[Word[Std], Word[Std]]] = s => {
  val Tensor(x, out) = s
  val fx = Symbol.fromInt(f(Symbol.toInt(x)) ^ Symbol.toInt(out), out.letters.length)
  pure(x) * pure(fx)

Gates can be lifted to tensor products in a natural way.


The implemementation is straightforward given the foundation built so far.

  def Rx(theta: Double): Gate[Std, Std] = I[Std] * math.cos(theta / 2) - X * Complex.i * math.sin(theta / 2)

  def Ry(theta: Double): Gate[Std, Std] = I[Std] * math.cos(theta / 2) - Y * Complex.i * math.sin(theta / 2)

  def Rz(theta: Double): Gate[Std, Std] = I[Std] * math.cos(theta / 2) - Z * Complex.i * math.sin(theta / 2)

Notice that Rx(pi) = -iX, Ry(pi) = -iY, and Rz(pi) = -iZ have nice interpretations.

  "Rx(pi)" should "swap the amplitudes of |0> and |1> and rotate them by -pi/2" in forAll { s: QState[Std] =>

    val r: QState[Std] = Rx(math.Pi)(s)

    assert(r(S0).toString == (s(S1) * Complex.one.rot(-math.Pi/2)).toString)
    assert(r(S1).toString == (s(S0) * Complex.one.rot(-math.Pi/2)).toString)
  "Ry(pi)" should "swap the amplitudes of |0> and |1> and flip the sign of |1> (rotate by pi)" in forAll { 
    s: QState[Std] =>

    val t: QState[Std] = Ry(math.Pi) (s)

    assert(t(S0).toString == (-s(S1)).toString)
    assert(t(S1).toString == s(S0).toString)

    // rotation by pi in a 4-dimensional space (2 complex numbers as components)
    // similar to a rotation by pi/2 in the 2-dimensional case, same as multiplying a complex number by i
    // z = a + bi
    // i*z = -b + ai
  "Rz(pi)" should "rotate the amplitude of |0> by -pi/2 and the amplitude of |1> by pi/2" in forAll { s: QState[Std] =>

    val z: QState[Std] = Rz(math.Pi)(s)

    // Rz rotates the amplitude of |0> by -theta/2
    assert(z(S0) == s(S0) * Complex.one.rot(-math.Pi / 2))
    // Rz rotates the amplitude of |1> by theta/2
    assert(z(S1) == s(S1) * Complex.one.rot(math.Pi / 2))

In general one can think of Rx, Ry and Rz as weighted averages between the identity gate I and Rx(pi), Ry(pi) and Rz(pi), respectively. These four gates also form a quaternion basis.

  "Rx(pi)Rx(pi)" should "equal -I (quaternion basis)" in forAll { s: QState[Std] =>

    val t: QState[Std] = Rx(math.Pi)(Rx(math.Pi)(s))

    assert(t(S0).toString == (-s(S0)).toString)
    assert(t(S1).toString == (-s(S1)).toString)

  "Ry(pi)Ry(pi)" should "equal -I (quaternion basis)" in forAll { s: QState[Std] =>

    val t: QState[Std] = Ry(math.Pi)(Ry(math.Pi)(s))

    assert(t(S0).toString == (-s(S0)).toString)
    assert(t(S1).toString == (-s(S1)).toString)

  "Rz(pi)Rz(pi)" should "equal -I (quaternion basis)" in forAll { s: QState[Std] =>

    val t: QState[Std] = Rz(math.Pi)(Rz(math.Pi)(s))

    assert(t(S0).toString == (-s(S0)).toString)
    assert(t(S1).toString == (-s(S1)).toString)

  "Rx(pi)Ry(pi)Rz(pi)" should "equal -I (quaternion basis)" in forAll { s: QState[Std] =>

    val z: QState[Std] = Rz(math.Pi)(s)
    val y: QState[Std] = Ry(math.Pi)(z)
    val x: QState[Std] = Rx(math.Pi)(y)

    assert(x(S0).toString == (-s(S0)).toString)
    assert(x(S1).toString == (-s(S1)).toString)

Quantum Algorithms

Grover's algorithm (quantum search)

   * Grover's algorithm
  def grover(f: Int => Int, width: Int) = {
    val Hn = liftWord(H) _
    val zeroes = pure(Symbol.fromInt(0, width))
    val one = pure(Symbol.fromInt(1, 1))
    val inv = U(f)
    val refl = {
      val s = zeroes >>= Hn
      (s >< s) * 2 - I

    val r = (math.Pi * math.sqrt(math.pow(2, width)) / 4).toInt
    val init = zeroes * one >>= lift12(Hn, Hn)
    iterate(r, init)(_ >>= (inv >=> lift1(refl)))


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