Portfolio page which showcases previous projects and experiences.
Link: * * * pending * * *
Tech used: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Node.js, Express.js, MongoDB
The page uses vanilla Javascript, HTML5, and CSS in a Bootstrap fashion. The page is responsive and built using a "desktop-first" approach. This project gave me the opportunity to bring my embedded systems projects to the web all while learning more about front end frameworks
Server - This will connect to the back end and listen actively.
Views - Views are made to be responsive.
Model - The model is in progress
Controllers There exists 1 controller
--- The ability to auto deploy this site upon any changes to the main branch (production branch) ---
Like Button Toggle -IN the works: dark mode toggle
Collaboration - only 2
Version Control - There were a few times we had to back track to figure out what went wrong. From git checkout <branch-name>
to git log
and git checkout -b <new-branch-name>
to figuring out how to reconsile merge conflicts, we became more familiar with using a variety of git commands.
Debugging - On several occasions, some sections of our codebase were not doing what we originally intended. We got practice in going through our own code as a team and find which line or lines had issues.
MVC - This project was a huge help to internalize the inner workings of the model-view-controller design pattern. We learned hands-on how each piece of code can communicate with other sections of the server. The amount of detailed knowledge about the MVC we have learned through this project is quite significant and working through it increased our oveall understanding of MVC.
Testing -Using replit as a sandbox, we were able to debug in a 'non Production' environment, and easily test new features being implemented.
Authentication - We learned how to add authentication functionality using local-passport, with our users' data being recorded into a database.
Styling - We had the chance to focus on some front-end methods like flex and content-alignment with CSS.
User Interface Design - We learned how to make a UI model with consideration for creative input. Also, while creating it there was an opportunity to visualize all the functions the user will have access to using our app. EJS allowed us to dynamically serve up the front end content for the end user.