
A compile-time INI parser

Primary LanguageDMIT LicenseMIT




Simply import ctini.ctini, instantiate IniConfig with the file name of an INI file, and assign it to a variable.

Don't forget to set the include path with th -J option for DMD, or the stringImportPaths setting for dub

See the example below for how to access the settings.


Import ctini.rtini, and call iniConfig() with the filename of an INI file, or iniConfigFromString() with a string containing the INI configuration.

If you attempt to access a setting or section that doesn't exist, or that has the wrong type, an Exception will be thrown.


INI file:

;A comment
intValue = 3        #Also a comment
stringValue = "string"
floatvalue	=123.45 ; <-- flexible whitespace
boolValue = false

D file (compile-time):

import ctini.ctini;

enum config = IniConfig!"config.ini";

void main() {
    //Four data types
    //Everything available at compile time
    static assert(config.Section.intValue == 3);
    static assert(config.Section.stringValue == "string");
    static assert(config.Section.floatValue == 123.45f);
    static assert(config.Section.Subsection.boolValue == false);

D file (run-time):

import ctini.rtini;

void main() {
    auto config = iniConfig("config.ini");

    static assert(config.Section.intValue!int == 3);
    static assert(config.Section.stringValue!string == "string");
    static assert(config.Section.floatValue!float == 123.45f);
    static assert(config.Section.Subsection.boolValue!bool == false);


If you want more advanced or custom behaviour, import ctini.common, and use the parseSections() function, which returns an AA of sections mapped to their id (which is just the fully qualified section name with .s replaced with _s).


  • Variable and section names should follow D identifier rules, and cannot be D keywords.

  • Every variable must be in a section (there must be a section heading before any variables are set).

  • A section cannot have two variables with the same name, but two different sections can have variables with the same name.

  • The final object is a std.typecons.Tuple, and can be used accordingly (for compile-time).

  • Running dub --config=regen will allow you to regenerate the INI grammar, but this should only be necessary if you decide to edit include/INI.peg.


  • Settings without sections
  • Validating against user-defined types (with default values)
  • Single quote strings
  • Nicer errors (nb: the errors are somewhat nicer when parsing at runtime)