
An iA Writer inspired color vim colorscheme

Primary LanguageVim scriptMIT LicenseMIT


A minimalistic vim and gvim colorscheme inspired by the great iA Writer editor. This repo contains the light (typewriter.vim) and dark (typewriter-dark.vim) versions.


  • You can use your vim plugin manager of choice
  • Or manually
    • Clone this repo.
    • Copy colors/*.vim to ~/.vim/colors/


To enable this colorscheme, set in your .vimrc file:

  colorscheme typewriter
  " or typewriter-night


If you want a closer feel to iA Writer install

and add this lines to vimrc:

  " Activate FOCUS mode with F12
  nmap <F12> :Goyo <bar> Limelight!!<CR>"

  " Change the cursor from block to i-beam in INSERT mode
  let &t_SI = "\e[5 q"
  let &t_EI = "\e[1 q"
  augroup myCmds
    autocmd VimEnter * silent !echo -ne "\e[1 q"
  augroup END



gui vim

vim focus mode

fake bussy

typewriter night vim

typewriter night vim focus mode

typewriter night gui vim

The font used in the screenshots is SF Mono 12 with letter space of -1 and line space of 8.

  # .Xresources file
  URxvt*letterSpace   : -1
  URxvt*lineSpace     : 8

or if you use gVim o MacVim

  # .gvimrc file
  set linespace = 8


Typewriter is based/inspired by these projects