***************** COMPUTATIONAL CATEGORY THEORY *******************

This is a directory of categorical programs written in Standard ML. 

The book Computational Category Theory, D.E. Rydeheard and R.M. Burstall 
(Prentice Hall 1988) has full details of this programming (see below).


The code is written in the programming language Standard ML. It runs 
under the Moscow SML system. This is available for many platforms (Windows, 
Linux etc). 

Details and source are at http://www.dina.kvl.dk/~sestoft/mosml.html


The files "basic" and "cat" should be compiled first and then others
according to the dependencies stated in the files.

To compile all the categorical code without the examples, use the
order of compilation: 

   - basic       Some basic code required for Computational Category Theory
   - cat         For simple categories, limits, colimits and some examples
   - comma       For the comma category construction, limits, colimits etc
   - functorcat  For the functor category construction
   - adjoints    For adjunctions
   - semitopos   For internal propositional logic
   - topos       Cartesian closed categories, and toposes with
                   internal constructions including predicate logic

Any of the example files may then be run (eg x.cat is a file of examples of
categories and limit and colimit constructions).


Save the files above into your filestore (or cut-and-paste from the screen)
using the same file names.

To compile a file `name', enter Standard ML and type:

      use "name";

This will compile value definitions and function definitions and evaluate


Files "x.thing" contain examples of `thing' and may be run when "thing"
has been compiled. These are 

  - x.cat, x.cat.more  For examples of constructions of limits and colimits
  - x.comma            Limits and colimits in comma categories
  - x.adjoints         Examples of adjoints
  - x.semitopos        Internal propositional logic

  SOURCE for book

The book is available in Postscript and PDF format at 


It is available for personal use only and not to be distributed, made 
multiple copies, made available on other websites, or sold in any format. 
Full copyright remains with the authors.


The programs are available for educational and experimental use only. 
They should not be incorporated in any product and not offered for 
commercial gain. They should not be distributed or made available on any 
website. Neither Manchester University nor the authors are liable 
for any consequence of the use of the programs. Full rights remain 
with the authors.