
Ultimate starter for Strapi projects (WIP)

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Ultimate Strapi Starter application

A strapi application with example of article with category and ratings feature


plan to launch v1 in mid JUNE

Strapi features which are implemented:

  • Roles & Permissions:
    • This plugin provides a way to protect your API with a full authentication process based on JWT. This plugin comes also with an ACL strategy that allows you to manage the permissions between the groups of users.
    • Providers:
      • Google
  • Upload: You can upload any kind of file on external providers AWS S3
  • GraphQL: With the GraphQL plugin, you will be able to fetch and mutate your content.
  • API Documentation: This plugin uses SWAGGER UI to visualize your API's documentation.
  • [COMING SOON] Custom Plugin
  • [COMING SOON] Auto Deployment
  • [COMING SOON] NEXT.js static website


🖐 Requirements

Supported operating systems:

  • Ubuntu 18.04/Debian 9.x
  • CentOS/RHEL 8
  • macOS Mojave
  • Windows 10


  • NodeJS >= 10.x
  • NPM >= 6.x


  • PostgreSQL >= 10

How to Setup Server:

  • run npm i to install dependencies
  • create .env to set env variables
  • copy all variables from .env.development and set the value
  • run npm run develop to start development server
  • run npm run build to build strapi app
  • run npm run start to start server

To Setup Database

  • go to docs directory
  • run command docker-compose up -d using this command you can install postgresql image on docker