
NFT-коллекция Freaky Goblins на Solidity + Hardhat

Primary LanguageSolidityMIT LicenseMIT

Freaky Goblins NFT

This is a repo that shows how to create NFTs with metadata that is 100% on-chain


  • NPM & Node.js



Don't commit and push any changes to .env files that may contain sensitive information, such as a private key! If this information reaches a public GitHub repository, someone can use it to check if you have any Mainnet funds in that wallet address, and steal them!

.env example:

export RINKEBY_RPC_URL='https://polygon-mumbai.g.alchemy.com/v2/your-address'
export MNEMONIC='your mnemonic phrase here'
export PRIVATE_KEY='your_private_key'
export PUBLIC_KEY='your_public_key'
export ETHERSCAN_API_KEY='your_etherscan_key'
export PINATA_API_KEY=your_pinata_api_key
export PINATA_API_SECRET=your_pinata_api_secret

Then you can install all the dependencies

git clone https://github.com/bodasooqa/freaky-goblins-nft
cd freaky-goblins-nft


npm install

Quickstart / Deploy


source .env

To begin with, you should put your png in the trait-layers directory and specify the correct data in the utils/main.py script and run it.

This script will generate the required images and upload them to Pinata, and also will generate metadata for your NFTs and put Pinata pins in a separate file (utils/data/hashes_to_unpin.json) so that they can be quickly unpinned, clearing the Pinata space.


This will deploy to a local hardhat network.

npx hardhat deploy --tags goblin

To deploy to testnet:

You'll need testnet MATIC in your wallet

npx hardhat deploy --network mumbai --tags goblin

To deploy to Polygon mainnet:

You'll need MATIC in your Polygon Mainnet wallet

npx hardhat deploy --network polygon --tags goblin


To unpin your images from pinata after uploading use:

node utils/pinata-unpin.js

Use the utils/opensea-polygon-sell-order.scpt (Apple Script) to set the price for your NFTs on Opensea.

Create NFT & View on OpenSea

Once deployed, each will look something like this:

Freaky Goblins on Testnet

Verify on Etherscan

You'll need an ETHERSCAN_API_KEY environment variable. You can get one from the Etherscan API site.

npx hardhat verify --network <NETWORK> <CONTRACT> <CONSTRUCTOR_PARAMETERS>


npx hardhat verify --network polygon "0x0000000000000000" "Freaky Goblins" "GOBLIN" "ipfs://XXXXXXXXXXXXX/" "0x0000000000000000"