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React Native Contact Multi Select

In this article you will get step by step details about the library and its implementations with your React Native project




Prop Default Type Description
searchBgColor rgb(202,201,207) String Background color of searchbar.
searchPlaceholder Search... String Searchbar placeholder text.
viewCloseStyle {} style Style of the remove selected contact icon style.
viewCheckMarkStyle {} style Style of the selected contact tick icon style .
sepratorStyle {} style Style of the contact list seprator.
viewSepratorStyle {} style Style of the selected list and list seprator .
otherContactList [] Array Array of other contacts if need to add [{fullname:"Logistic Infotech",phonenumber:"123456789",avatar:"avatar path/url"}].
onContactSelected () => {} function Return contact item when selected.
onContactRemove () => {} function Return contact item when removed from selected list.
getSelectedContacts -- -- Return list of the selected contacts.