
WebDAV cloud.mail.ru ...& Yandex.Disk | WebDAV Облако Mail.Ru Сетевой Диск

Primary LanguageC#MIT LicenseMIT

WebDAV emulator for Cloud.mail.ru / Yandex.Disk

  • UA users! Mail.Ru заблокирован в вашей стране, используйте, например, эти инструкции


WebDAVCloudMailRu-*-dotNet48.zip / WebDAVCloudMailRu-*-dotNetCore30.zip respectively


	-p, --port         	  (Default: 801) WebDAV server port or several ports separated by `,`
	-h, --host	   	  (Default: "") WebDAV server host with protocol (http://* for
	--maxthreads       	  (Default: 5) Maximum concurrent connections to cloud.mail.ru
	--use-locks           use locking feature
	--cache-listing    	  (Default: 30) Cache folders listing, sec
	--cache-listing-depth  	  (Default: 1) Cache folders listing depth. 
  					If large folder browsing is extremely slow, set to 2	
	--protocol         	  (Default: WebM1Bin) Cloud protocol
				 	  * WebM1Bin	- (Cloud.Mail.Ru) mix of mobile and DiskO protocols
				 	  * WebV2	- (Cloud.Mail.Ru) [deprecated] desktop browser protocol
				 	  * YadWeb	- (Yandex.Disk) desktop browser protocol, see Yandex.Disk readme section

	--use-deduplicate		Enable deduplication (upload speedup, put by hash), see Using deduplication readme section

	--install <servicename>		Install as windows service (Windows/.Net48 version only)
 	--install-display <displayname>	Display name for Windows service (Windows/.Net48 version only)
	--uninstall <servicename>       Uninstall windows service (Windows/.Net48 version only)

	--proxy-address <socks|https|http>://<address>:<port>       Use proxy
	--proxy-user <username>       Proxy user name
	--proxy-password <password>   Proxy password
	--help            Display this help screen.
	--version         Display version information.

Hasher.exe usage

Calculating hashes for local files

  --files            (Group: sources) Filename(s)/wildcard(s) separated by space

  --lists            (Group: sources) Text files with wildcards/filenames separated by space

  --protocol         (Default: WebM1Bin) Cloud protocol to determine hasher

  -r, --recursive    (Default: false) Perform recursive directories scan

  --help             Display this help screen.

  --version          Display version information.

Using deduplication (upload speedup, put by hash)

Edit <Deduplicate> section in wdmrc.config:

    <!-- Path for disk file cache -->
    <Disk Path = "d:\Temp\WDMRC_Cache" />

      Cache: on disk or inmemory file caching
      Target: path with filename in cloud, .NET regular expression, see https://docs.microsoft.com/ru-ru/dotnet/standard/base-types/regular-expressions
      MinSize: minimum file size
      MaxSize: maximum file size
      <!-- cache any path/file contains "EUREKA" in disk cache-->
      <Rule Cache="Disk" Target = "EUREKA" MinSize = "0" MaxSize = "0" />

      <!-- small files less than 15000000 bytes will be cached in memory -->
      <Rule Cache="Memory" Target = "" MinSize = "0" MaxSize = "15000000" />

      <!-- files larger than 15000000 bytes will be cached on disk -->
      <Rule Cache="Disk" Target = "" MinSize = "15000000" MaxSize = "0" />

Then run with --use-deduplicate command line key.


(download latest 1.11.*.*, use --protocol YadWeb command line key)

Yandex.Disk WebDAV issues

  • It seems Yandex.Disk WebDAV is limited by speed now.
  • After file uploading yandex servers calculating hash. E.g. for a 10GB file it may take ~1..2 minutes depending on server load. So most of WebDAV clients drops connection on timeout.
  • There's no WebDAV info in official help now. WTF?

This solution allow to bypass that limits using unofficial Yandex.Disk Web API.

How to use encryption

Using XTS AES-256 on-the-fly encryption/decryption

  • Set (en/de)cryption password

    • with >>crypt passwd special command
    • Add # and separator string to your login: login@mail.ru#_SEP_
    • After your mail.ru password add separator string and password for encrypting: MyLoginPassword_SEP_MyCryptingPassword
  • Mark folder as encrypted using >>crypt init command

  • After that files uploaded to this folder will be encrypted

Commands executed by making directory with special name.
Parameters with spaces must be screened by quotes.

  • >>join SHARED_FOLDER_LINK Clone shared cloud.mail.ru file/folder to your account
  • >>join #filehash filesize [/][path]filename Clone cloud.mail.ru file to your account by known hash and size
  • >>link SHARED_FOLDER_LINK [linkname] Link shared folder without wasting your space (or manually edit file /item.links.wdmrc)
    • >>link check Remove all dead links (may take time if there's a lot of links)
  • >>move /full/path/from /full/path/to Fast move (if your client moves inner items recursively)
  • >>copy /full/path/from /full/path/to Fast copy (if your client copies inner items recursively)
  • >>lcopy x:/local/path/from /full/server/path/to If file already in cloud, add it by hash without uploading
  • >>rlist [[/]path] [list_filename] list [path] to [list_filename]
  • >>del [[/]path] Fast delete (if your client makes recursive deletions of inner items)
  • >>share [[/]path] Make file/folder public
    • and create .share.wdmrc file with links
  • >>sharev [[/]path] [resolution] Make media file public
    • resolution = 0p (all), 240p, 360p, 480p, 720p, 1080p
    • and create .share.wdmrc file with public and direct play links
  • >>pl [[/]path] [resolution] Make media file public
    • resolution = 0p (all), 240p, 360p, 480p, 720p, 1080p
    • and create .share.wdmrc file with public and direct play links
    • and create .m3u8 playlist file
  • >>crypt init Mark current folder as encrypted
  • >>crypt passwd password_for_encryption_decryption Set password for encryption/decryption

Settings in wdmrc.exe.config

  • Logging
    It's standart Apache log4net configurations, take a look for examples

  • Default video resolution for generated m3u playlists <config><DefaultSharedVideoResolution>
    Values: 0p auto, m3u contains links to all availiable resolutions 240p ~ 352 x 240 360p ~ 480 x 360 480p ~ 858 x 480 720p ~ 1280 x 720 1080p ~ 1920 x 1080

  • Special command prefix
    custom special command prefix instead of >>. Make possible to use special commands if client doesn't allow >>.

  • Enable/disable WebDAV properties
    custom special command prefix instead of >>. Make possible to use special commands if client doesn't allow >>.

  • 2 Factor Authentification
    At this time you can use

    • <TwoFactorAuthHandler Name = "AuthCodeConsole"/> - asks for authcode in application console
    • <TwoFactorAuthHandler Name = "AuthCodeWindow"/> - asks for authcode in GUI window (only for .NET Framework releases)
    •  <TwoFactorAuthHandler Name = "AuthCodeFile">
       	<Param Name = "Directory" Value = "d:"/>
       	<Param Name = "FilenamePrefix" Value = "wdmrc_2FA_"/>
      user must write auth code to file. For example, user test@mail.ru writes code to d:\wdmrc_2FA_test@mail.ru.

    Be careful, this methods does not usable when application started as a service/daemon.
    You can make your own 2FA handlers inherited from ITwoFaHandler and put it in separate dll which name starts with MailRuCloudApi.TwoFA

Connect with (almost any) file manager that supports WebDAV using Basic authentification with no encryption and

  • your cloud.mail.ru email and password
  • or anonymous login if only public links list/download required (WinSCP script example)

Automatically split/join when uploading/downloading files larger than cloud allows.

Russian FAQ
geektimes.ru - Снова про WebDAV и Облако Mail.Ru
glashkoff.com - Как бесплатно подключить Облако Mail.Ru через WebDAV
manjaro.ru - Облако Mail.Ru подключаем через эмулятор WebDav как сетевой диск


Using as windows service

  • Run cmd with Administrator rights
  • Then, for example, wdmrc.exe --install wdmrc -p 801 --maxthreads 15
  • net start wdmrc

Using from explorer requires enabled Basic Auth for WebDAV * Press Win+R, type `regedit`, click OK * HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\WebClient\Parameters * Right click on the BasicAuthLevel and click Modify * In the Value data box, type 2, and then click OK. * Reset computer (or run `cmd` with admin rights and then `net stop webclient`, `net start webclient`)
Use as Windows disk ``` net use ^disk^: http://^address^:^port^ ^your_mailru_password^ /USER:^your_mailru_email^ ```
Faster WebDAV Performance in Windows 7 Windows 7 client might perform very bad when connecting to any WebDAV server. This is caused, because it tries to auto-detect any proxy server before any request. Refer to KB2445570 for more information.
  • In Internet Explorer, open the Tools menu, then click Internet Options.
  • Select the Connections tab.
  • Click the LAN Settings button.
  • Uncheck the “Automatically detect settings” box.
  • Click OK until you’re out of dialog.
By default, Windows limits file size to 5000000 bytes, you can increase it up to 4Gb * Press Win+R, type `regedit`, click OK * HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\WebClient\Parameters * Right click on the FileSizeLimitInBytes and click Modify * Click on Decimal * In the Value data box, type 4294967295, and then click OK. * Reset computer (or run `cmd` with admin rights and then `net stop webclient`, `net start webclient`)
Wrong disk size when mapped as Windows drive [Microsoft says - "It's not a bug, it's by design"](https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/kb/2386902)


(tested under Elementary OS and Lubuntu)

See also

Mount with davfs2

  • mkdir /mnt/<folder>
  • edit /etc/davfs2/davfs2.conf set use_locks 0
  • sudo mount --rw -t davfs http://<address>:<port> /mnt/<folder>/ -o uid=<current_linux_user>

As a service (daemon)

CERTIFICATE_VERIFY_FAILED exception Issue 56 default installation of Mono doesn’t trust anyone

In short:

# cat /etc/ssl/certs/* >ca-bundle.crt
# cert-sync ca-bundle.crt
# rm ca-bundle.crt

Mac OS X

Use any client supports webdav.


  • RaiDrive
  • NetDrive
  • rclone mount
  • Total Commander:
    • requires to update WebDAV plugin to v.2.9
    • turn on (connection properties) -> Send\Receive accents in URLs as UTF-8 Unicode
  • WebDrive:
    • disable (disk properties) -> HTTP Settings -> Do chunked upload for large files.
  • CarotDAV:
    • check (connection properties) -> Advanced -> Don't update property.
  • avoid using Unicode non-printing characters such as right-to-left mark in file/folder names

Big thanks

See also

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