This script updates Kaspersky Rescue Disk Antivirus databases. The script checks whether AV bases were updated or not. If they did, it downloads new AV bases and corrects information in the configuration.
Unpack disk into the folder (krd, for example) Edit the variable 'KRD=', putting here the path to the directory where your unpacked KRD is stored. Set up CRON to launch the script automatically.
30 */3 * * * /share/Public/tftp/disks/krd/
I use http and nfs.
LABEL Kaspersky Rescue Disk 18
MENU LABEL Kaspersky Rescue Disk 18 EN
KERNEL disks/krd/boot/grub/k-x86_64
APPEND initrd= netboot=nfs:// rw net.ifnames=0 lang=en dostartx vga=791