
by Russell Hofvendahl, Chase Bowden, Logan Tanous and Ron Craig

Ruby week 5 group project

GitHub repository:


An app using Active Reader, ruby, rubygems, web scraping, BDD, Sinatra and CRUD routing to search multiple job and social sites (meetup, indeed, craiglist, etc.) for a software developer job and networking events. A user can simultaneously search for a job and find events to attend for networking. There is also an opportunity to gather information about attendees or speaker at the event.


Back end specs: class Job

  1. Retrieve search results from LinkedIn, craigslist (CL), and TBD.
  2. Use Nokogiri gem to scrape results from CL

Back end specs: class MeetupGroup

  1. Join relationship between Meetup and Meetup Groups (MeetupGroup has_many Meetups).
  2. Validates the MeetupGroup name is unique.

Back end specs: class Meetup

  1. Join relationship between Meetup and Meetup Groups (Meetup belongs_to MeetupsGroup).
  2. Validates the Meetup name is unique.

Front end specs: Sinatra and user stories

  1. A user should be able to perform a job search by inputting the following...
  • Languages
  • Location
  • Experience level (Entry, Intermediate, Senior)
  • Search Radius
  1. A user should be able to view results (jobs and suggested meetings).
  2. A user should be able to pin favorite jobs and or favorite meetups.
  3. A user should be able to select a link to view more details about the job/meeting.
  4. A user should be able to associate the job with meetups in the area. (ongoing)
  5. A user should be able to associate a meetup event with event leader or attendee at the event, for networking purposes. (ongoing)
  6. A user should be able to view the event leader or attendee LinkedIn profile, for networking purposes. (ongoing)


Install Sinatra Active Reader

  • ($ gem install sinatra-activerecord)

Install rake

  • ($ gem install rake)

Create and edit (1) Gemfile and (2) Rakefile in the project's root directory

Install rubygems (Rspec, pry, Capybara and Sinatra). In the project's root directory...

  • Install gem bundler ($ gem install bundler; $ bundle install; $ bundle update)

Install Postgres. Open another terminal window, go to home directory ($ cd ~)...

  • Install Postgres ($ gem install pg)
  • Open Postgres ($ psql)
  • rake db:create
  • rake db:migrate
  • ruby app.rb

Known Bugs


Technology used

  • Ruby, Sinatra and shoulda-matchers (application)
  • LinkedIn API TBD (application)
  • Active Record and Rake (database and application)
  • Rspec and Capybara (testing)

MIT License

Copyright (c) 2018 Taking_Care_of_Business_Productions