
A puppet module for provisioning my FreeBSD desktop workstation

Primary LanguagePuppetGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

Puppet FreeBSD Workstation

Project Status: Active - The project has reached a stable, usable state and is being actively developed.

Puppet script for provisioning my FreeBSD desktop workstation.

Table of Contents


First, you need to get the latest source code by cloning the git repository with this command.

git clone https://github.com/lognoz/puppet-freebsd-workstation.git

Finally, change to the directory that was just created.

cd puppet-freebsd-workstation


You must be run as root and have an internet connection. You can install the dependencies with this command line:

make dependencies

System dependencies

Distributed source code management tool

Configuration management framework written in Ruby

Puppet dependencies

Compressed archive file download and extraction with native types/providers for Windows and Unix

Install Node.js package and npm package provider.

Generic PHP module that supports many platforms

Installs, configures, and manages Apache virtual hosts, web services, and modules.

Installs, configures, and manages the MySQL service.

Standard library of resources for Puppet modules.

Puppet module providing a type to manage repositories from various version control systems

Install, manage and configure wget and retrieve files using it

Manage sudo configuration via Puppet

Manage timezone settings via Puppet


Create your own site.pp at base path:

touch site.pp

You can read example.pp located to base path to help building your own site node.
Add to your file the user that will lead your workstation:

class { 'workstation':
  username => 'john',
  owner_name => 'John Doe',
  owner_email => 'developer@john-doe.org',
  timezone => 'America/New_York',
  password => 'default'

Finally, apply your site file by executing this command. Be carful this will replace directory
located at /usr/local/etc/puppet/modules/workstation/.



List of available manifests

This class sets root and user for FreeBSD systems. Make sure to load
this file before any workstation subclasses.

Show detail


username — Type: string — Default: undef
String used to create user and its home directory.

password — Type: string — Default: undef
String used as user and root password.

timezone — Type: string — Default: undef
String used as timezone reference.

owner_name — Type: string — Default: undef
String used as computer owner name.

owner_email — Type: string — Default: undef
String used as computer owner email.

shell — Type: string|undef — Default: undef
String used as command processor path. If you use zsh on FreeBSD,
you will send /usr/bin/zsh. By default, this class will install
and use bash if $shell is undefined.

root — Type: string — Default: /usr/local/etc/puppet/modules/workstation/
The reference on where the workstation module is located.

Sample Usage:

class { 'workstation':  
  username => 'lognoz',  
  owner_name => 'Marc-Antoine Loignon',  
  owner_email => 'developer@lognoz.org',  
  timezone => 'America/New_York',  
  password => $password  

This class initialize alsamixer package. This program is a graphical
mixer program for the Advanced Linux Sound Architecture that is used
to configure sound settings and adjust the volume.

Show detail


Class workstation

Sample Usage:

include workstation::alsamixer

This module manages bash aliases configurations.

Show detail


content — Type: string|array — Default: $title
Content of configuration to append.


Class workstation

Sample Usage:

workstation::bash::alias { [  
  'ls="ls -F"',  
  'll="ls -lah"',  
  'emacs="emacs --maximized"'  
]: }

This module manages bash executable.

Show detail


content — Type: string — Default: undef
Script content in file.


Class workstation

Sample Usage:

workstation::bash::bin { 'torrent':  
  content => template('workstation/bin/torrent.erb')  

This class install bash and some useful configurations.

Show detail


files — Type: array — Default: []
List of files related to bash that need to be created.


Class workstation

Sample Usage:

include workstation::bash::init

This module manages bashrc configurations.

Show detail


content — Type: string|array — Default: $title
Content of configuration to append.


Class workstation

Sample Usage:

workstation::bash::rc {  
  'alias ls="ls -F"':  

This class sets doas package. This program allows a regular user to
run commands as another user (usually root).

Show detail


Class workstation

Sample Usage:

include workstation::doas

This class install system fonts.

Show detail


Class workstation

Sample Usage:

include workstation::fonts

This class install GNU utils and libraries like gmake, ripgrep,
gls, gcc, etc.

Show detail


Class workstation

Sample Usage:

include workstation::gnu

This class add graphics support to make FreeBSD usable as a desktop.
It only supports Intel HD and NVIDIA graphics cards.

Show detail


hardware — Type: string — Default: undef
String used to install the right graphic card.
It expected to recives intel or nvidia.


Class workstation

Sample Usage:

class { 'workstation::graphic':  
  hardware => 'nvidia'  

This class sets keyboard in xorg. For each input device (keyboard,
mouse, etc.) it need an InputClass section.

Show detail


keyboard — Type: string — Default: undef
String used as kbd layout.

remap_caps — Type: boolean — Default: true
Boolean on if caps lock is replaced by escape.


Class workstation::x11::xorg

Sample Usage:

class { 'workstation::keyboard':  
  keyboard => 'us,ca'  

This class help to manage multiple languages keyboard and language
tool program.

Show detail


aspell — Type: string — Default: undef
Array of languages to install via Freebsd ports. Make sure
to have the right package name before to call this class.

directory — Type: string — Default: ~/.share
The location on where to install Language Tool package.


Class workstation

Sample Usage:

class { 'workstation::language':  
  aspell => ['en','fr']  

This class initialize Firefox package. This program, also known as
Mozilla Firefox, is a free and open-source web browser developed by
the Mozilla Foundation and its subsidiary, the Mozilla Corporation.

Show detail


extensions — Type: array — Default: []
List of extensions that you want to install in Firefox.


Class workstation

Sample Usage:

class { 'workstation::multimedia::firefox':  
  extensions => [  

This class install Gimp, Blender, VLC and others useful
graphic tools.

Show detail


Class workstation

Sample Usage:

include workstation::multimedia:graphic

This class initialize transmission package. This program is a lightweight,
command-line BitTorrent client with scripting capabilities.

Show detail


destination — Type: string — Default: download
String used as destination directory for torrent file.

source — Type: string — Default: download
String used as source directory for torrent file.


Class workstation

Sample Usage:

class { 'workstation::multimedia::torrent':  
  destination => 'download/torrent',  
  source => 'download/browser'  

This initialize wget package. This computer program that retrieves
content from web servers.

Show detail


directory — Type: string — Default: download
String used as download directory for torrent file.


Class workstation

Sample Usage:

class { 'workstation::multimedia::wget':  
  directory => 'download/wget'  

This class initialize youtube-dl package. This program is an
open-source download manager for video and audio from YouTube and
over 1000 other video hosting websites.

Show detail


directory — Type: string — Default: video
String used as download directory for torrent file.


Class workstation

Sample Usage:

class { 'workstation::multimedia::youtube_dl':  
  directory => 'video/youtube'  

This class install some programs and change system configurations to
make FreeBSD usable as a desktop station.

Show detail


Class workstation

Sample Usage:

include workstation::optimization

This class sets FreeBSD package configurations.

Show detail


prefer_yes — Type: boolean — Default: true
Boolean used to make yes option the default operations
for dialog. Most pkg operations offer a yes/no
question, showing the default as a capital letter.
Being conservative, pkg normally defaults to no.

autoclean — Type: boolean — Default: true
Boolean used to automatically clean out the content of
pkg cache after each non dry-run call to pkg install
or pkg upgrade.


Class workstation

Sample Usage:

include workstation::package

This class initialize powerd package. This program utility monitors
the system state and sets various power control options accordingly.

Show detail


Class workstation

Sample Usage:

include workstation::powerd

This class install most useful hacking tools.

Show detail


Class workstation

Sample Usage:

include workstation::programming::hacking

This class initialize LaTeX programming language.

Show detail


Class workstation

Sample Usage:

include workstation::programming::latex

This class initialize Common Lisp programming language.

Show detail


Class workstation

Sample Usage:

include workstation::programming::lisp::clisp

This class initialize Python programming language.

Show detail


Class workstation

Sample Usage:

include workstation::programming::python

This class initialize virtualisation program like Vagrant,
Docker and Virtualbox.

Show detail


Class workstation

Sample Usage:

include workstation::programming:virtualisation

This class initialize Apache server.

Show detail


Class workstation

Sample Usage:

include workstation::programming::www:apache

This class initialize MySQL database server.

Show detail


Class workstation

Sample Usage:

include workstation::programming::www:mysql

This class initialize npm package. This program is a package manager
for the JavaScript programming language.

Show detail


packages — Type: array — Default: undef
List of packages to be install globally.


Class workstation

Sample Usage:

include workstation::programming::www:npm

This class initialize PHP programming language.

Show detail


Class workstation

Sample Usage:

include workstation::programming::www:php

This class install improve the system security.

Show detail


Class workstation

Sample Usage:

include workstation::security

This class initialize sudo package. This program is designed to
allow a sysadmin to give limited root privileges to users and log
root activity.

Show detail


Class workstation


I now use doas instead of sudo because a severe vulnerability was
found in Unix and Linux operating systems that allows an
unprivileged user to exploit this vulnerability using sudo, causing
a heap overflow to elevate privileges to root without
authentication, or even get listed in the sudoers
file. (CVE-2021-3156)

Sample Usage:

include workstation::sudo

This module manages system configurations.

Show detail


path — Type: string — Default: undef
String use as path location to add content.

content — Type: array — Default: undef
List of lines to add to the path location.


Class workstation

Sample Usage:

workstation::system { 'Optimize boot loader':  
  path => '/boot/loader.conf',  
  content => [  
    # Change boot time kernel tuning.  
    'kern.ipc.shmseg = 1024',  
    'kern.ipc.shmmni = 1024',  
    'kern.maxproc = 100000',  

    # Configuring asynchronous I/O.  
    'aio_load = "YES"',  

    # Enable thermal sensors.  

This class initialize tor, a software for enabling anonymous
communication by directing Internet traffic.

Show detail


Class workstation

Sample Usage:

include workstation::tor

This class manages custom directories and xdg-user-dirs, a tool to
help manage well known user directories like the desktop folder and
the music folder.

Show detail


desktop — Type: string — Default: /
The desktop user directory

document — Type: string — Default: /document
The document user directory

download — Type: string — Default: /download
The download user directory

music — Type: string — Default: /music
The music user directory

picture — Type: string — Default: /picture
The picture user directory

public — Type: string — Default: /public
The public user directory

template — Type: string — Default: /template
The template user directory

video — Type: string — Default: /video
The video user directory

directories — Type: array — Default: []
The list of directories that need to be created


Class workstation

Sample Usage:

class { 'workstation::user::directories':  
  download => '/download/browser',  
  directories => [  

This class initialize Emacs package. This program is a highly
customizable editor indeed, it has been customized to the point
where it is more like an operating system than an editor!

Show detail


source — Type: string — Default: undef
The git repository of Emacs configuration.


Class workstation

Sample Usage:

class { 'workstation::user::emacs':  
  source => 'https://github.com/lognoz/embla'  

This class initialize git package. This program is a distributed
version-control system for tracking changes in source code during
software development.

Show detail


username — Type: string — Default: undef
Content of git user name.

email — Type: string — Default: undef
Content of git user email.

url — Type: hash|undef — Default: undef
Hash of git url to be rewritten.


Class workstation

Sample Usage:

class { 'workstation::user::git':  
  username  => 'Marc-Antoine Loignon',  
  email => 'developer@lognoz.org'  
  urls => {  
    'https://lognoz@github.com' => 'https://github.com',  

This class initialize Vim package. This program is a highly
configurable text editor built to make creating and changing any
kind of text very efficient.

Show detail


source — Type: string — Default: undef
The git repository of vim configuration.


Class workstation

Sample Usage:

class { 'workstation::user::vim':  
  source => 'https://github.com/lognoz/vimrc'  

This module manages Xorg configurations.

Show detail


content — Type: string|array — Default: $title
Content of configuration to append to xinitrc.


Class workstation

Sample Usage:

workstation::x11::conf {  
  'xmodmap ~/.Xmodmap':  

This module manages Dynamic Windows Manager installation.

Show detail


Class workstation

Sample Usage:

include workstation::x11:dwm

This class sets xorg package. Xorg (commonly referred as simply X)
is the most popular display server among Linux and BSD users.

Show detail


Class workstation

Sample Usage:

include workstation::x11::xorg


This module is only usable with FreeBSD 13.0.