Repository contains SDK for Android, iOS and Windows Phone. Android and iOS SDKs are build with help of shared code and gomobile. Windows Phone SDK is located in wp/ folder and written in C#, it's a portable Class library.
Godoc -
- File > New > New Module > Import .JAR or .AAR package
- File > Project Structure > app -> Dependencies -> Add Module Dependency
- Add import: import go.logpackermobilesdk.Logpackermobilesdk;
import go.logpackermobilesdk.Logpackermobilesdk;
// It's possible to catch all app's crashes via Thread.setDefaultUncaughtExceptionHandler and send it to LogPacker
try {
Client client = Logpackermobilesdk.newClient("", "dev", android.os.Build.MODEL);
Message msg = client.newMessage();
msg.setMessage("Crash is here!");
// Use another optional setters for msg object
client.send(msg); // Send will return Cluster response
} catch (Exception e) {
// Cannot connect to Cluster or validation error
- Drag Logpacker.framework folder into your Xcode's browser
- Use import #import "Logpackermobilesdk/Logpackermobilesdk.h"
#import "ViewController.h"
#import "Logpackermobilesdk/Logpackermobilesdk.h"
@interface ViewController ()
@implementation ViewController
- (void)viewDidLoad {
[super viewDidLoad];
GoLogpackermobilesdkClient *client;
NSError *error;
GoLogpackermobilesdkNewClient(@"", @"dev", [[UIDevice currentDevice] systemVersion], &client, &error);
client.cloudKey = @"";
GoLogpackermobilesdkMessage *msg;
msg = client.newMessage;
msg.message = @"Crash is here!";
// Use another optional setters for msg object
GoLogpackermobilesdkResult *result;
[client send:(msg) ret0_:(&result) error:(&error)];
// It's possible to catch all app's crashes via signal(SIGSEGV, SignalHandler) and send it to LogPacker from SignalHandler func
- Add logpackermobilesdk.dll into your C# project
- Add using logpackermobilesdk; before you start to use it
using System;
using logpackermobilesdk;
namespace test
class MainClass
public static void Main (string[] args)
try {
Client c = new Client ("", "dev", System.Environment.MachineName, "");
Event e = new Event ("Crash is here!", "modulename", Event.FatalLogLevel, "1000", "John");
c.Send (e);
} catch {
// Handle connection error here
// It's possible to catch all app's crashes via global try-catch block and send it to LogPacker
- golang 1.7+
go get
gomobile init
- Install Android SDK to ~/android-sdk
- ~/android-sdk/tools/android sdk
- Install
export ANDROID_HOME=$HOME"/android-sdk"
- gomobile bind --target=android .
- Find .aar file in working folder
- Install XCode
- gomobile bind --target=ios .
- Find Logpackermobilesdk.framework folder
- MonoDevelop
- Open project (wp folder)
- Project -> Export
- Fork master branch
- Make changes
- Run ./
- Push and create a Pull Request