
Strenghtening Certificate Transparency Against Covert Adversaries

LogPicker - Strengthening Certificate Transparency


LogPicker is a novel protocol for strengthening the public key infrastructure of HTTPS. It enables a pool of Certificate Transparency (CT) logs to collaborate, where a randomly selected log includes the certificate while the rest witness and testify the certificate issuance process.

As a result, CT logs become capable of auditing the log in charge independently without the need for a trusted third party. This auditing forces an attacker to control each participating witness, which significantly raises the bar for issuing rogue certificates. LogPicker is efficient and designed to be deployed incrementally, allowing a smooth transition towards a more secure Web.

You can read your our paper HERE or watch the pre-recorded PETS talk on YouTube. If you use our prototype or build on our work, please cite us as follows:

  title={LogPicker: Strengthening Certificate Transparency Against Covert Adversaries},
  author={Dirksen, Alexandra and Klein, David and Michael, Robert and Stehr, Tilman and Rieck, Konrad and Johns, Martin},
  journal={Proceedings on Privacy Enhancing Technologies},

For any questions please contact Alexandra Dirksen via mail or Twitter.


The prototype itself is available here. It uses a slightly modified version of bls-signatures available here which is automatically pulled in during the build.

The usage instructions of the prototype are replicated below.


This project contains the prototype implementation of the LogPicker protocol.

Main Artifacts


With the default configuration a successful build will output three test artifacts at build/test.

test_rsa_util, test_crypto : Simple tests which ensure that relic works as expected.

test_lpp_local : A local LogPicker test with 200 logs. All steps are executed sequentially in a single thread to verify functionality of basic protocol building blocks.

To run the tests simply execute the command ctest in the current build directory. Ideally executing this command should yield output similar to the following.

user@mbp:~/lpp/build$ ctest
Test project /home/testuser/lpp/build
    Start 1: test_rsa_util
1/3 Test #1: test_rsa_util ....................   Passed    0.07 sec
    Start 2: test_crypto
2/3 Test #2: test_crypto ......................   Passed    0.09 sec
    Start 3: test_lpp_local
3/3 Test #3: test_lpp_local ...................   Passed   25.25 sec

100% tests passed, 0 tests failed out of 3

Total Test time (real) =  25.41 sec

LPP Binaries

With the default configuration a successful build will output the main binaries of the LogPicker prototype at build/bin. They provide a simple command line interface as follows.

leader <config> <cert>

Simulates the leader in a LogPicker run. At runtime the program will print timing information from the protocol run to the command line. The data are printed as comma separated data with the columns <n logs> <t_start> <t_end> <t_end - t_start>, where timestamps are printed in milliseconds.


<config> The LogPicker config file.

<cert> The certificate to be logged.

log <id> <config>

Simulates one log in a LogPicker run.


<id> A log id listed in the config file.

<config> The LogPicker config file.

client <count> <config> <cert>

Simulates 200 LogPicker client requests, e.g. from a certificate issuing CA. Each client request will be attested by the message "Started logpicker run" printed into the terminal.


<count> The number of logs required for the LogPicker Proof.

<config> The LogPicker config file.

<cert> The certificate to be logged.


Example Config

An example LogPicker config file is provided at data/config.xml. This file works fine for local test runs. If a more involved distributed test is desired the IP addresses have to be adjusted.

Test Certificate

An example certificate for testing purpose is provided at data/github/DER/github.com.


Third Party Libraries

The following dependencies are required to build this project.

  1. Boost (tested with 1.71 and 1.76)
  2. fmt (tested with 6.1.2 and 7.1.3)
  3. GMP (tested with 6.2.0 and 6.2.1)
  4. sodium (tested with 1.0.18)


  1. git
  2. cmake (3.14 or higher)
  3. gcc or clang

Remark: The relic toolkit seems to have issues if built with gcc 11. Please make sure you are building the project with gcc < 11 or clang (tested with Version 12).


With properly installed dependencies the following commands should suffice to build the code from within the project root.

mkdir build
cd build
cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -Wno-dev ..
cmake --build .

The steps above will download some additional dependencies at configuration time. Depending on your Internet connection this step may take a while.

Remark: Enforcing a specific compiler for a build, e.g. with clang can be achieved with the following command line

CC=clang CXX=clang++ cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -Wno-dev ..

Example Setup

On a freshly installed and up-to-date Ubuntu Desktop (20.04.2) the following command line installs all required dependencies which should suffice for a successful build.

sudo apt install git cmake build-essential libsodium-dev libboost-all-dev libgmp-dev libfmt-dev


To execute a LogPicker test run the leader, logs and client have to be started manually. Please make sure to start the leader and logs before starting the client.

Example Test Run

For the sake of illustration consider an experiment with 4 available logs. The experiment will be run on the local host. All commands are executed within the projects root directory after the project has been built as described above.

First the leader is started by running the following command line.

build/bin/leader data/config.xml data/github/DER/github.com

This should generate no output. Next the $n=4$ logs with IDs $0, \dots, n-1$ are initialized by running the following commands.

build/bin/log 0 data/config.xml
build/bin/log 1 data/config.xml
build/bin/log 2 data/config.xml
build/bin/log 3 data/config.xml

Each command should be executed in a separate terminal. Invoking this command should not produce any further output. Finally the experiment is started by invoking the client with the following command line.

build/bin/client 4 data/config.xml data/github/DER/github.com

In this example all initialized logs will be involved. It is also possible to utilize only a subset of the initialized logs by adjusting the count argument. In case the count has to be in the range $(2, \dots, n)$.

In a successful experiment the leader will print timing information to the terminal. This should look like this:


Further the client program should attest the invocation of each LogPicker run by printing messages like the following:

Started logpicker run
Started logpicker run
Started logpicker run
Started logpicker run
Started logpicker run
Started logpicker run
Started logpicker run
Started logpicker run
Started logpicker run
Started logpicker run
Started logpicker run
Started logpicker run
Started logpicker run

Hint: One might be tempted to invoke the commands for the experiment as background jobs. For example by starting the logs in a simple for loop with the & operator from within the same terminal/bash instance. This is not recommended since we encountered unexpected behavior which made the experiments fail. Please start the commands in separate terminal/bash instances.