Azure Monitor Metrics Receiver
An SDK wrapper that uses Azure Monitor SDK. Lets you receive metrics of Azure resources using Azure Monitor API in 3 ways:
- Resource Target
- Resource Group Target
- Subscription Target
Azure Credential
Uses client_id
, client_secret
and tenant_id
for authentication (access token),
and subscription_id
for accessing Azure resources.
Here how to find each of them:
can be found under Overview->Essentials in the Azure portal for your application/service.
and client_secret
can be obtained by registering an application under Azure Active Directory.
can be found under Azure Active Directory->Properties.
Resource Target
get metrics of a specific resource.
type ResourceTarget struct {
ResourceID string
Metrics []string
Aggregations []string
can be found under Overview->Essentials->JSON View (link) in the Azure
portal for your application/service.
Must start with 'resourceGroups/...' ('/subscriptions/xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx' must be removed from the beginning of Resource ID property value)
is an array of the name of the metrics that you want to collect.
Pay attention: all metrics should be valid metrics of the resource target.
- If the array is empty, all available metrics of the resource target will be collected.
is an array of the metrics aggregation type value to collect. The available aggregations are:
- Total
- Count
- Average
- Minimum
- Maximum
- If the array is empty, all aggregation types values will be collected for each metric.
Resource Group Target
get metrics of resources under specific resource group, using resource types.
type ResourceGroupTarget struct {
resourceGroup string
resources []*Resource
is the name of the resource group.
is an array of resources that are under the same resourceGroup
- Info about
can be found in Subscription Target section.
Subscription Target
get metrics of resources under the subscription, using resource types.
type Resource struct {
resourceType string
metrics []string
aggregations []string
is the type of resources you want to collect metrics of.
- Info about
can be found in Resource Target section.