
Simple quiz app built with Appwrite + Flutter + Codemagic

Primary LanguageDart

Flutter Festival Kathmandu Quiz App

GitHub Stars

A quiz app for the Flutter Festival Kathmandu built with Flutter Web on frontend and Appwrite on backend.

Live Preview: https://ffktm2022.codemagic.app

Build Guide

This project needs Flutter installed and Appwrite project configured to run successfully.

  1. To install flutter refer to this page. To install appwrite refer to this page.

  2. Change the Appwrite project_id and endpoint in /lib/services/appwrite.dart.

  3. Setup database structure in Appwrite project

  4. Run flutter pub get.

  5. Build

    • For Android: flutter build apk

    • For Web: flutter build web

Database Document Structure

Questions collection
collectionId: questions
question: string
options: array of string
answer: string

Scores Collection
collectionId: Scores
userId: string (id of the user who took the quiz)
score: int (total score obtained out of 10)
answers: string (json encoded string of an array [{"questionId": "id", "selected_answer": "answer", "correct": true or false} ...],
phone_number: string (required if we want to distribute prize)


ScreenShot 1 ScreenShot 2 ScreenShot 3 ScreenShot 4


Flutter Festival Kathmandu Quiz App is MIT licensed, as found in the LICENSE file.