
Verbum is a fully flexible text editor based on lexical framework. This is stable version

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Verbum Refined : Stable version - Not maintained 0.3.5

Refer to official repository for latest version

Verbum Refined - Flexible Text Editor for React

Verbum is a fully flexible rich text editor based on lexical-playground and lexical framework.

⚠️ As the Lexical framework is currently in early development, this component library is also likely to change quite often


npm install verbum-refined --save


Demo Live demo is coming soon...


import { FC } from 'react';
import {
} from 'verbum';

const NoteViewer: FC = () => {
  return (
      <Editor hashtagsEnabled={true}>
        <ToolbarPlugin defaultFontSize="20px">
          <FontFamilyDropdown />
          <FontSizeDropdown />
          <Divider />
          <BoldButton />
          <ItalicButton />
          <UnderlineButton />
          <CodeFormatButton />
          <InsertLinkButton />
          <TextColorPicker />
          <BackgroundColorPicker />
          <TextFormatDropdown />
          <Divider />
          <InsertDropdown enablePoll={true} />
          <Divider />
          <AlignDropdown />

export default NoteViewer;


<Editor />

Property Type description
children ReactNode optional Nested child components, like the ToolbarPlugin
hashtagsEnabled boolean optional Enables the automatic hashtag highlighting, default is false
autoLinkEnabled boolean optional Enables the automatic link highlighting, default is false
emojisEnabled boolean optional Replaces the emoji combiniations with its corresponding symbol, default is false
actionsEnabled boolean optional Enables the actions toolbar, default is false
placeholder string optional The default content of the editor when it is first loaded
listMaxIndent number optional The maximum indent capacity of any listed element, the default is 7
isReadOnly boolean optional Enables read-only mode for the editor, default is false
initialEditorState string optional JSON string to initialize the initial content of the editor.
onChange (editorState: string, editorInstance?: LexicalEditor) => void optional Accessing the current editor state and the active editor instance
locale `en fr null`

Automatic browser language detection Support

Verbum supports automatic browser language detection by default if locale not provided. If the browser language is set to fr, the editor will be automatically localized in French. If the browser language is set to en, the editor will be automatically localized in English. If the browser language is set to any other language, the editor will be automatically localized in English.

<ToolbarPlugin />

Property Type description
children React.ReactElement[] optional Nested child components, like the InsertDropdown
defaultFontSize string optional The default font size selected when the editor first loaded, default value is 15px
defaultFontColor string optional The default font color selected when the editor first loaded, default value is #000
defaultBgColor string optional The default text background color selected when the editor first loaded, default value is #fff
defaultFontFamily string optional The default font family selected when the editor first loaded, default value is Arial

<InsertDropdown />

Property Type description
enableTable boolean optional Enables table inserting feature
enableYoutube boolean optional Enables youtube video inserting feature
enableTwitter boolean optional Enables tweet inserting feature
enablePoll boolean optional Enables poll inserting feature
enableImage boolean optional Enables image inserting feature
enableEquations boolean optional Enables equation inserting feature
enableExcalidraw boolean optional Enables diagram inserting feature
enableHorizontalRule boolean optional Enables the horizontal rule inserting for layout
enableStickyNote boolean optional Enables stick note inserting for layout


For development use:

$ npm install (in case of an error, run `npm install --legacy-peer-deps`)
$ npm start
$ npm run storybook

Future plans

  • Test coverage
  • Programmatic access to the editor input as JSON
  • Localization in more languages
  • Ready templates with different options (MUI, Bootstrap, etc...)
  • Dark/Light modes
  • Custom styling flexibility
  • Disassembling all of the toolbar to enable using them as nested components, increasing the flexibility
  • Enabling adjusting editor settings such read-only mode and etc. programmatically


Licensed under MIT License.