
Discord bot to manage and communicate a hosted Minecraft server

Primary LanguagePythonOtherNOASSERTION


Discord bot for managing and communicating with PC Minecraft server.

Please not that this project's source code (comments, docstrings) is written exclusively in French. The bot itself uses only French language; no internationalization is available at this time.

What's New in PCMC-Bot

Only major features are reported here; see CHANGELOG.md or in the doc for details.


  • Communication with Minecraft server (status, commands)...
  • In-game transmission of Discord messages & voice (dis)connections;


This project is (for now) meant for private usage and therefore not published on PyPI. Clone this repository to use it:

git clone https://github.com/loic-simon/pcmc-bot.git

We strongly recommand to install this package in a dedicated virtualenv (python3 -m venv <yourfolder>).



To run correctly, the bot needs to be connected to several external services, each needing more or less sensitive tokens, stocked as environments variables. We support and encourage the use of python-dotenv to read them from a .env file, but you may prefer exporting them as environment variables.

All necessary variables, prefixed by PCMC_, are listed in model.env.


This package's external API consists essentially in a discord.ext.commands.Bot subclass, PCMCBot, which implements every features needed.

The minimal code needed to run the bot in a configured folder is:

from pcmc import PCMCBot

bot = PCMCBot()

Bot usage

Once the bot connected to your Discord server, send !help to see every available commands (note: some commands are only visible by specific roles; grant yourself the "admin" role to see everything.)
Use !help command to get more information about a command.


Since PCMCBot is a subclass of discord.ext.commands.Bot, you can use every arguments and methods it supports or subclass it to override existing behavior.

We also provide a direct way to customize some parameters of the game and of the Discord server through config module: roles/channels/emoji names, date of season beginning, inscription customization... See the doc for full API usage information.

See additional attributes and overriden methods on the doc (mostly in French)

Some useful examples:

Change command prefix

from pcmc import PCMCBot

bot = PCMCBot(command_prefix="?")

Customize some config options

from pcmc import PCMCBot, config

config.Role.admin = "BOSS"

bot = PCMCBot()

Delete a command or alias

from pcmc import PCMCBot

bot = PCMCBot()

Add a command or change the behavior of a command

from discord.ext import commands
from pcmc import PCMCBot

async def mycommand(ctx, ...):

bot = PCMCBot()
bot.remove_command("mycommand")     # If replacing an existing command

Enhance or replace the reaction to a Discord event

from pcmc import PCMCBot

async def say_hello(bot, member):
    await member.send("Hey!")

class MyBot(PCMCBot):
    """Your customized bot class"""
    async def on_member_join(self, member):
        await say_hello(self, member)
        super().on_member_join(member)      # Invoke the original reaction

bot = MyBot()

See discord.py documentation for more ideas.


Community contributions are not welcome for now. Get in touch with the authors (see below) for any question or suggestion about this project.


This work is shared under the MIT license.

© 2020 Loïc Simon – GRIs – ESPCI Paris - PSL.

Reach me on Discord: LaCarpe#1674 or by mail: loic.simon@espci.org